
  1. Spaniard here. You are absolutely right. Public bathrooms in Spain are disgusting most of the time. Nice restaurants have disgusting bathrooms, normal restaurants have shitholes, cheap restaurants and bars... Well you better bring your rubber boots and a face mask...

  2. It's a public use issue. People don't really care for stuff that is shared. People can be extremely careful for their own private house and have absolutely everything as clean as humanly possible and then be fucking careless with a public bathroom.

  3. That is part of the issue, but lack of cleaning is the main problem I think.

  4. I would say it's just foxing. It usually starts or is more abundant on the top of the book as it's the side that gets more exposed to ambient agents (humidity , sun, dust, whatever) when the book sits on a shelf for decades.

  5. Got it! That exact edition and in the same well read state.

  6. Usually there are no problems. When in remote areas with no connection is useful to have the area map already downloaded in your phone. With Google maps is easy to do. I guess other apps would allow it too.

  7. No hacer: saltar del balcón de tu habitación de hotel.

  8. Si te das a la fuga de un accidente o control y luego te localizan más que multa lo que te pasará será detención, para empezar...

  9. Paparruchas? Eso no se decía en la edad de bronce o en la edad media?

  10. It's not an error, but done on purpose by Hugo. I have find similar things in other XIX century books. My paper edition is the same and some months ago it was discussed on Reddit too.

  11. Wow! i have never seen shelves as bended as yours in the middle photo! Great progress!!

  12. Yeah,that is a thin fibreboard, does not really suit this purpose - but that is what I had at that time. On the right there are proper hardwood shelves, they were good, not bending at all. The books are in hungarian language, you might see the hungarian tricolour scarf on the first picture and ribbons on the second one.

  13. Ah yes, now I see... Hungarian editions looks nice!!

  14. Ojalá Google inventase una App para solucionar este tipo de temas. Una App que te diga como ir de un punto A a un punto B del mapa, y que te permitiese obtener la ruta óptima andando, tren, coche, etc…

  15. Se te ha olvidado el /s y ahí alguno que no lo va x pillar ;)

  16. Si te gustaba hace 20 años te gustará ahora. Es más o menos lo mismo... Hay tiendas de decoración pija y tal, pero también hay puestos y tiendas de trastos y cosas viejas regentados por señores de 70 años cero gentrificados donde si te gusta ese rollo puedes encontrar cosas interesantes a precios interesantes o al menos divertirte.

  17. What is still worse is that in public libraries they don't serve coffee or beer and will hush you if you talk too loud! How I'm I supposed to socialize there? /s.

  18. I'm currently travelling around Puglia by car and by chance found a web that gives info and recommendations for parking in virtually any big city and medium sized town in Italy.

  19. Side note: what beach is this in the photo?!

  20. That's Cala Acquaviva. Was there two days ago! Very nice, but in real life colours are less saturated than in that edited photo ;).

  21. Citronella is not a real repellent... It's too soft... just but any real repellent, in particular the stronger version that says something like "tropical" or "para mosquitos tigre". I have used the ones from Bloom and Autan and worked ok... Except when I forget to use it and mosquitoes eat me alive in less than 10 minutes :(.

  22. Thank you! I'll look those ones up. Before now I didn't worry about them so much but this year is crazy!

  23. Lucky you! I suffer them every year... They seem to love my blood :(.

  24. To see the city you don't need a car at all. I was there with a car to see the surrounding area (Vergina, Pella, Edessa, the Chalcidic peninsula...), but for anything inside the city i left the car parked by the hotel and used public transport or just walk. Easier and less stressful.

  25. Chania by far. And Rethymno too. Heraklion has little old town left. It's mostly modern and pretty chaotic, not without some charms, but not pretty at all. It has an absolutely great archeological museum if you are into that kind of things.

  26. Hi! I'm currently in Italy with a car exploring Apulia. I have done it sometimes before (Sicily, Lazio and Napoli and surrounding area). Driving around Napoli is crazy and very stressful. I don't recommend it at all. The rest is kind of ok once you get used to the chaotic and temperamental Italian driving style. Just be extra careful and don't count on other drivers following rules, as they frequently don't.

  27. Podrías desarrollar un poco más tu opinión? Por ver otra perspectiva, vaya

  28. Que el tonteo adolescente con primos está más visto que el tebeo. Más que de escandaloso pecaría de tópico. Hay montones de libros, pelis, mitos y leyendas... Memes... De todo... Por no hablar de que medio planeta con primos de edad parecida habrán intentado verle las tetas o el pito a su primo/a...

  29. A medias, o una vez invita uno y otro invita al otro.

  30. Interesting selection! I vote for Huysmans... It's good and pretty short, so you will be reading one of the other thick ones in no time.

  31. Mientras los programas de la mayoria de partidos constan de unas ≈100 paginas, el programa de vox es de dos paginas en mi comunidad, y en la de madrid, de 1, que han votado esas personas?

  32. Se vota a los tweets, los zascas y los memes...

  33. I think that there are 3 main reasons:

  34. It's not that left voters are lazy. It's that they are more easily demotivated if the left parties makes errors, have corruption cases... Many won't vote for something they don't feel reasonably comfortably with.

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