
  1. The big monster variety. Small monsters are a big improvement over 1, their AI feels much smarter. But big monsters are what gets people the most excited and they fell flat on that.

  2. It is true that the small monsters are better, as the variants are actually variants and often behave in completely different ways; the the problem is that every small mob gets blown the fuck up by midgame and all those variants suddenly feel like they're all just the base 5 types of enemies, which is horrid.

  3. Are the zombies and dangerous creatures at night time still there ?!

  4. Yeah, night time has zombies, skeletons and a couple more bosses. It is harder than daytime but it's mostly thanks to the fact that it's pitch black outside of your lantern's radius, with only the lights of distant torches to guide you. Super atmosferic just like in DDDA honestly, they always did the night super well.

  5. Lies of P is better than any FromSoft game.

  6. I disagree, but that game is an absolute banger. Only soulslike I'd put in the same tier as From's own games.

  7. Always shocks me how little AMD there is. Nvidia has so much of the market it’s crazy.

  8. I was one of the few Radeon users until like 5 days ago. Got sick of always missing out on features and having to regularly do troubleshooting for the most mundane things. Bought a 4070S, installed the drivers and immediately skipped the first wave of TS I had to do when I installed the team red card. Then I proceeded to mod DLSS 3.6 + FG into a game and got triple the frames (disclaimer, the previous GPU was a 6700XT so it was a decent amount weaker) I had before while having better image quality because FSR still looks like absolute shit years later. Turned on RT for the first time and RTGI just looks gorgeous, but any amount of RT would've brought my Radeon card to its knees.

  9. Although I agree with you - Nvidia products are definitely better than AMD products - you ultimately are "part of the problem" because that 4070S should be no more than like $400. 

  10. Look man, I agree with "part of the problem", it's one of the reasons I went with AMD last time but the fact of the matter is that I paid slightly less (their prices are just as high) and I got a shit product that kept giving ne headaches in return. The real problem is NV's competition is pure garbage and they are just ok being crap and charging slightly less for it, though I hope Intel will help that somewhat.

  11. And if you have Offringe, as soon as you bolt them once you can stunlock all of them by throwing them into one another. Offringe in general is stupid fun and powerful against regular enemies... Too bad so is everything else.

  12. Oof. Good to know. It's such a bummer, the game looks right up my alley otherwise

  13. I usef to have a 5600X + 6700XT until yesterday, got myself a 4070Super because I was tired as hell of dealing with Radeon's bullshit and since I've set up the new GPU the game went from running like ass to being a pleasure to play.

  14. I'm not a dev obviously but I'm just curious, is it hard for devs to create multiple new enemies/areas to avoid reputition? Is it just a budget/time issue?

  15. Not a dev either, but I think the common narrative is for assets creation to be the longest part of dev. Fromsoftware has built an expansive library of such assets over the years and they make great use of it: a good example would be the Erdtree avatars in ER, they are repurposed Asylum demons from Dark Souls (2012), basically they share almost all attacks and animations, with different textures and effects, plus one or two addutional attacks for the avatars. Voilà, easy miniboss for your game.

  16. They wanted 95$ Cad for this game, and it has like less then half the content elden ring has.

  17. Honestly, it has like 1/10th. Even if you don't count the variants, ER still has at least 10 times the enemies, dungeons and biomes this game has.

  18. I don’t see how any of these things help with the CPU being bottlenecked, frame gen will give you more frames sure but the uneven frame times will still feel very bad.

  19. Frame gen works to alleviate CPU bottlenecks because it gives the GPU something to do while it would normally just wait for the slower CPU to prepare the next frames to render. With frame gen, the faster GPU can at least do the interpolation in wait times, bringing the two closer, in a way.

  20. Dragon's Dogma enemies are also more nuanced in the first place and have a lot more behaviors behind them. They also added quite a few new behaviors for the old enemies. It doesn't excuse the number of reused versus new enemies though.

  21. Your point is fine man, I think the part others are taking issue with is that to justify said point you're just saying a bunch of stuff that's just honestly false.

  22. I am able to restore HDR by basically disabling and then re-enabling Windows HDR. Use WinKey+Alt+B twice while in game.

  23. Used to do this until yesterday, then I found Alt+Enter does the trick as well and it's much quicker/doesn't make the screen readjust every time.

  24. Why just the Steam version? Why are console players getting hosed out of making a new game? I'm so glad I ordered a physical copy of the game for my PS5 now rather than go digital since these choices really sour my desire to play this game. I may be refunding this soon.

  25. Because they are getting trashed in the Steam reviews specifically, and Steam is a huge market, too big for that kind of public backlash.

  26. "You achieved 120FPS. What did it cost you?"

  27. Turns out all that performance loss was Fournival's giggle physics. What now, Arisen?

  28. yep and neither does dlss outside of framegeneration.

  29. To see the glass half-full, this is the type of game where generated frames and added input delay shouldn't be a dealbreaker like in faster-paced titles... provided the frames aren't smeared to shit due to the low starting rate.

  30. I agree. But sadly, the game doesn't support frame generation :(

  31. Wait... What? Did they only put in the upscaling part of FSR3? That's the bad part of the software, would be appalling.

  32. Well yeah, it's the opposite because the would-be slaves are all dead. Duh.

  33. Why can you tech giant swing? What's wrong with 65 damage on a 10f homing move?

  34. All stages should have a cage that lowers around you when King starts spinning during Giant swing, making you hit a wall every time. You either break the throw or you die like a man, no cheating!

  35. Not my favorite but that track is so insanely good conpared to the boss it's attached to. One of the best in the DS3 OST imo.

  36. Tell her you have to take a dump, go to the bathroom and call a lawyer, the police, the president and the army, then start buying time until justice is served.

  37. Unless you get brain damage. But heh, that just adds to the pile.

  38. I tried getting into elden ring 15 times and every single time I get bored and fall asleep because the enemies and world and combat just aren't interesting to me. It wasn't hard either I took down most bosses first try as a samurai but SOMETHING about elden ring I just can't see what everyone else sees. It sucks because I want to like it. There's no benefit to hating a game.

  39. Sometimes it's just not for you man, nothing wrong with that.

  40. For all we know he's a plugger. Everybody's guilty until proven innocent in this rage quitting community. Crazy this is what tekken players are becoming most known for...

  41. Sure, plugging is a real problem and there are way more people doing it than you'd like, but from there to guilty until proven innocent and Tekken players as a whole being known as pluggers there's an ocean.

  42. Glad to see my takes really were hot

  43. Yeah lol, as soon as you dissed the first album I knew this one was at the bottom for a reason. Fwiw, I agree: the first album is the worst by a mile, only album of which I straight up hate half the content. I don't even mind some of those songs in recent performances but holy hell, the originals were bad.

  44. I'm sure Su is the better singer, I just think Moa's stage presence is incredible. Everything from her body language to her facial expressions are so fun to watch. Not saying that Su's stage presence is bad obviously, she's amazing too. I just think Moa probably has the most entertaining stage presence I've ever seen by any performer at all. :)

  45. I think they both have incredible stage presence but in very different ways, not sure who would fare better on their own tbh. The part I'll totally agree with is Moa (and Momo) being wasted as mostly sidekicks, but I believe they're trying to gauge the interest in a larger role for them with their most recent releases/events/collabs. Hope the first new EP/LP as a full trio will bring some more for the other girls. I really love Su's performances but it'd help it feeling less like just her show, as it can feel to me sometimes.

  46. I think part of it is how people play games: my first run took me like 200+ hrs across multiple months (tbf, I did a bunch of obsessive shit like constantly checking on NPC dialogues and locations after what I thought could be relevant events) but I enjoyed the hell out of it, it really was like playing DS1 for the first time. The other From games, which I love dearly and rank among my all-time favorites still didn't have that magic like that first run through Lordran... feeling it again with ER was pure bliss.

  47. It doesn't make me feel sad in regards to what other people think of my own opinions. I don't worry about what others think. It makes me feel sad that someone else would feel this is an unwelcoming environment for expressing their opinions. It makes me wonder about the type of environment that is being fostered.

  48. Honestly, it kind of is. Every time someone has a less-then-stellar opinion on anything someone will start harassing them without fail.

  49. Oh shit, lows are dishonorable? my bad, I'll just stick to mids from now on.

  50. Only unsafe mids man, so the opponent has a chance to play too.

  51. Oh interesting. So Elden Ring has probably no 4k textures and lower quality audio files than other bigger games?

  52. Also From games have small amounts of cutscenes, especially pre-rendered ones. Those can take up a bunch of space too, as they are high quality videos.

  53. "It’s not even endgame if I’m not wrong so what’s the deal?"

  54. Haligtree is the endgame. Elphael has literally the highest scaling of any area in the game. Malenia herself has technically higher scaling but I wouldn't call that an area.

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