
  1. Man,its so strange to see the ai artwork from scp-999 on the chair reading a book but its so cute at the same time!

  2. Akshully.... All I heard is you're a no fun shitty cry baby to be around

  3. You are on a sub involving a comedy movie with several crude jokes. The topic involved was about a masturbation machine. And then you got all long winded explanation about a stupid sex joke comment. I'd get it if this was an investing or serious topic sub, but it's clearly not. Perhaps Reddit just isn't for you

  4. I was attempting to educate you on the folly of your ways so that maybe you could be a pilot someday, even if you're a tard. You don't have to downvote a comment to make something 69, because it both is and isn't 69 already anyway.

  5. Fuck yes, a reason to keep living! So far it's just been attempting to outlast Trev as long as I can. Gotta beat his high score.

  6. In the heart of downtown JC is The Laboratory. Great prices and product. Also a wonderful atmosphere that sells local artist's works.

  7. https://www.neatorama.com/2014/02/13/Why-was-Charles-M-Schulzs-Comic-Strip-Called-Peanuts/

  8. You mean did I search "nut comic" and find something I could work in? Even though the original was just an acorn?

  9. He is 100% aware that SCP-173 is based off his statue. He gave tentative permission for it to continue being used for the article, but the SCP Wiki removed it anyway to respect his work.

  10. Ngl, that pistachio looks like Master Chief's helmet

  11. huh,so cute!*Gets the blub and adopt him and runs away*

  12. Bro it's so strange and funny at the same time,the blub has some fun,would you mind adopt the blub?

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