
  1. Actually there is evidence to suggest that. When Larry tells Lee why he punched him he says, and I quote, “If anything happens to my daughter or that little girl you have with you, you watch your ass”.

  2. I'm pretty sure that Larry cared about Clem.

  3. Yeah that’s a very reasonable take on the situation, I think if you try to save Larry it’ll give Kenny the impression that you’re not capable of being a team player who could save the group out of a tough situation

  4. Ehhhhh. To me the Cell arc is the worst of DBZ.

  5. Japanese always and it's not even close to me.

  6. At this moment, they didn't know that the namek dragon balls were powered up. So they could only use the Earth Dragon Balls to revive everyone.

  7. You have The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles with characters lile Van Zieks, the jury and other british characters discriminating Ryonosuke (MC) for being japanese.

  8. Goku is charming to woman, gods and litearlly villains. xD

  9. Windows 10 and 11 are so demanding that 8gb is enough to lag your computer if you open other apps and use it for educational purposes.

  10. I mean I think it made sense as Frieza could just betray U7 and doom their existence alongside him. After all, Frieza had nothing to lose as he was already dead.

  11. Yeah I gotta agree with the general sentiment.

  12. Ehh I disagree. But this is tied up to your personal views on death and life. And personally , I don't see death as "resting in peace", I see it more like just not feeling anything and just not existing anymore. Life is very likely a thing that happens only once and therefore more precious than anything, so I just can't bring myself to kill Kenny never. I rather him being alive and attempting to find peace alive because death you don't experience anything.

  13. I'm pretty sure the complaints are more about the MC not going full super hero mode and stopping slavery.

  14. My first tought would be making education free for the general population. Education would be paid with the goverment's funds.

  15. It hardly seems he's affected by his child biology if he's able to make full use of his memories. He is an adult and saying "oh but his child biology" is such a fucking copout. It's not like Ascendance of a Bookworm where the souls of the isekaier merged with the one she replaced, instilling her with a love for her new parents and family and causing her to act more childish. As for "not really living his life past his teenage years"... that's not how that works.

  16. We're beings affected by our biology and how developed our brains are. How is this inherent truth a "copout"? How can you even prove to me that only memories define maturity and adulthood? Please, I'm all hears for empiric proof about this. Because as fas as I know, reincarnation isn't a real thing to define something like that so arbitrarily. This is also ignoring that Rudeus himself has literarlly stated that he's a kid despite his memories in volume 12. Hell, Invincible (which you're defending) literarlly uses this biology justification to justify Omni-Man, a being who has lived 1000 years and lived way more experiences dating a 1 year old because of her biology. So I think it's very convenient for the moral police to determine when "biology" is a justification or not, lol.

  17. Isekai usually present the protagonist’s reincarnation as their old self in a new body. The show doesn’t make a point of showing that Rudeus is significantly different or that his mind is affected. You’ve referred to that same instance of him calling himself a kid twice, but I’d like to know the context around it. Is he referring to physical ability? Is he talking to others? Even then, he’s clearly still the same person who should know not to do fucked up things.

  18. You really need a show to tell you obvious facts like people being affected by biology? You might as well need a show to tell you that the sky is blue or some obvious shit like that. And yeah sure. As Rudeus said: "I finally understand now. I'm still just a kid. A brat who pretended to be an adult by using his previous memories." I'm still waiting for proof that memories are everything though.

  19. Yes. And the cell saga is the arc where the characters are at their dumbest.

  20. Happens all the time with shows that have fan service. Although 50/50 as I equally enjoy shows without fan service like Frieren, Kaiji, Full Metal Alchrmist, Death Note, Monster and etc. And I also enjoy shows with it like School days , Soul Eater, Mushoku Tensei, Teggen Toppa, etc. If it's moderated or makes good comedy because otherwise I get bored

  21. It honestly depends on wether or not his achievments were thanks to his strength or his carisma/dialogue.

  22. I'd love to see an explanation as to why these credit-card companies target taboo kink content even when it's entirely legal. You'd think that, under capitalistic principles, they wouldn't give a shit about what transactions their infrastructure was used for as long as it wasn't for actual CSAM, trafficking, illegal drugs etc. In other words, that their hunger for the profit that each additional transaction brings would win over whatever executive saw fictional sibling smut and shat his pants.

  23. It seems like Mastercard has been working with the 

  24. To be honest, I'm just happy to see someone talking about Pandora Hearts. xD

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