
  1. I like Bunnie, but I think talking to Farrah and Sophia was a bad call.

  2. Speak for yourself. I surely do not understand why Farrah has had so much don’t to her face that she doesn’t look human. Who is this “Bunnie”? Is she known for anything else besides apparently being married to Jelly Roll?

  3. Are they still associated with each other? Why would he show a video of her being absolutely awful

  4. He will also be grandfather to Mykelti’s kids and any other grandchildren. We know Kody won’t make an effort to see his grandchildren.

  5. Uff, with all the genocide going on she still claims to support Israel. And they even had the guts to add "laughs* when she was answering the question. Absolutely disappointed with the ignorance.

  6. I went down the rabbit hole about 5 years ago and began comparing student handbooks of Pensacola Christian College, Crown College, BYU, and a handful of other religious schools. It was wild to see some of the “standards” students must uphold.

  7. this is my favorite. men and women take different classes at Vision Baptist College, the school that Katie Bates’ husband’s family runs.

  8. Can’t be of much help but reminds me of

  9. As a straight woman a flat ass wouldn’t make me less attracted to to a man, but a perky round ass will make me more attracted to a man.

  10. Wyoming was the first state to allow women to vote.

  11. I put a 1.5 guard on mine. Works really well, and fortunately my girlfriend doesn't expect my sack to be smooth as a turtle shell.

  12. A lot of turtle shells aren’t smooth at all.

  13. Ask if she wants to feel [your muscle].

  14. If you flip this question around a bit it doesn’t sound anywhere near as sinister as you think.

  15. Ya but I think in general OP is referring to people that go visit people they are no way attracted to and do things that they would not do for free. It’s not just a free vacation. It’s more like a business trip.

  16. When I was younger, working at Diamond Cabaret in Denver, I’ve had many offers. Not pretend fake guys, but real, pager/phone, cash, tickets, reservations sent to the club by fedex - but I’ve not taken any, and returned the packages.

  17. Did your coworkers accept offers like that?

  18. So now Victoria and Nick are under 40??

  19. Well unlike every other parent on the show he acknowledges his child’s existence and interacts with them. Do Billy or Nick do that

  20. I like Tucker, Audra, Ashley. The pace is bad but those are the only scenes I pay attention to. I'm also going to enjoy seeing Nate's hopes dashed, once again, when Audra goes back to Tucker. There is also the fallout from Lily's firing Daniel and Heather but I have zero confidence they'll make the story interesting, so that will probably feel like watching wet sand dry.

  21. What movies do we think KJ and Lydia are enjoying together?

  22. I have a hunch that they watch a lot of mid-century Turner Classic Movies. No shade from me if that’s the case; my mother and I have watched dozens of those together!

  23. We wouldn’t want them scandalized by Fred Astaire’s dancing.

  24. I predict that between the ages of 54-57, Kail will be broke and living in a mother-in-law suite of one of her older children.

  25. Won’t Isaac be 16 at that point? Seems like one might regret a room that’s only used for less than 2 years.

  26. Plenty of young people don’t move out the minute they turn 18.

  27. I think Jenelle and David said they met on Tinder but then I thought it came out he shared a cell with Courtland (I think) and contacted Jenelle when he got out of prison.

  28. At first I thought you meant cell phone.

  29. I’m not sure why but I love this gif. I’ve never seen it before.

  30. I’m ready for Carlin’s beige leisure wear era to be over

  31. I had a random guy come up to my cousin and I at a subway once when we were like 10. We were getting sodas and mine was all fizzy. He walks up, says "watch this", wipes his nose, and touches the top of the fizz on my drink. Then he walked away. Back then I was utterly amazed but thinking back on it, now I'm disgusted

  32. You had a cup without a lid on the subway?

  33. I hope the person filming this wasn’t also driving, but probably were

  34. If you can’t pay it all there are payment plan options available online (assuming you’re in the U.S.), 8% interest though, but still cheaper than any credit card you’re going to Find.

  35. A single filer on $200k income is going to owe like $40k just in federal taxes (that’s not counting state taxes or FICA). That’s 2.5 months income. Even living frugally, that’s going to take a while to accrue.

  36. It sounds like this would be 1099 income so also subject to self employment tax.

  37. Not all creeks are easily accessible. Bring near a creek doesn’t always mean you can safely bend down and put your hands in it.

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