
  1. My friend 'accidentally' killed our host sitting in the pelican because he was curious. We ran out time to reinforce so it was a facepalm moment.

  2. Not sure if it's me, but in the mech, shooting down slope isn't possible

  3. I feel like I'm the only person who routinely runs medic armor for the extra stims.

  4. I also run medic armor all the time for the extra stim. Light medic for bugs and medium medic for bots. The only issues I've had is being continually staggered by bugs or diving and the stim doesn't get used.

  5. Hyorin has a very distinct appearance with a dark complexion if that helps.

  6. Combining mag is how I can continually get the kills with AsVal. It will be dumb to remove that feature and gimp it more.

  7. Scorpion helmet is great. Never an overkill and it is very functional with it's modular lid and big peripheral view.

  8. Imagine if the mission was to take out a factory strider assault group. You come over the hill and just see a formation of 4 of them.

  9. They are damage sponges. With a AR like sickle, the headshot would be the best.

  10. S2 sucked horribly but I grinded through just to finish it. The script and art was not the same quality as S1

  11. 78x kill was my best with a hellbomb in helldive.

  12. AMR just kills faster and has more ammo than railgun.

  13. Railgun can one-shot Hulks, can one-shot Devastators even from the back.

  14. It's not worse, but efficiency is with AMR imo. AMR is more forgiving.

  15. Unless it's with friends, I'll pick up all samples within reason and convenience.

  16. Using a legendary pistol on a tower boss was just like throwing pebbles even with headshots.

  17. For buts the incendiary spray and pray paired with quasar is just amazing. For bots the sythe with quasar.

  18. Running helldive with 3 carrying quasar and dropping 3 more at extract is a blast. Titans, chargers, spitters were popping left and right.

  19. I've never kicked anyone in my games and despite them making poor decisions and dying continuously, I haven't left them either. I'll stick it out and get it done.

  20. Wikipedia has the picture unblurred. Fell down the rabbit hole of other famines in history

  21. Why do Chinese players have a reputation for cheating? I’ve played a few matches with Chinese players and there wasn’t any funny business. I’ve also heard people say “it’s their gaming culture,” but I don’t know what that means. Anybody got an in-depth answer?

  22. Turn the tire while the wheel is off. At low torque, the motor tends to have a groaning noise.

  23. My friend has like a batch 2 and it's still riding normal. Just the luck of the draw. If it makes you confident in riding, it's better to do it.

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