
  1. YouTube ads have been very aggressive lately. I open a video, watch a minute of ads, skip to the part of the video I need to see, watch another minute of ads, pause the video for 10 seconds on the part I need to see, close that video and move to another and repeat the whole process. So 2 minutes of ads and 10 seconds of “video”.

  2. Probably political because you're in the US or some swing state or something. In Canada I rarely see a political ad.

  3. 100%. Speaking from experience, when you are caught up in that cycle and keep making mistakes at work, saying the wrong things even on accident, stressing out over forgetting if you missed something important or not…it’s an awful dark cloud of anxiety that envelopes your every waking sober thought.

  4. 1 month out of this cycle and I cannot tell you how much that described it for me.

  5. My dog hated when dogs would do this to her! She'd flip out! Dogs that didn't do this, just fine.

  6. This is 100% hunting stance, I'd personally discourage the behavior in my own dog as it is certainly something another dog would (and should) perceive as threatening. Even if the dog doing the stalking has no ill intent, it could get attacked by a dog thinking it's defending itself.

  7. Frankly Youtube is 10x worse than TV with ads at this point. They play them like literally every 3 minutes sometimes. All for content that they didn't create and someone probably made them for free. It's criminal

  8. The content creators decide if a video has an ad and how many times they pop up.

  9. selective wakeful spark plant piquant tender offbeat detail rotten numerous

  10. don't forget stupid! what is she thinking? I wonder if there's some wedding jitters or something there.

  11. Sounds to me like she wanted to end it and found any small excuse to leave.

  12. I'm confused, does the and go between the and "and" and '"and"', and '"and", or and "and" and '"and"', and '"and", to read and "and" and '"and"', and '"and" and and? or "and", or and "and" and '"and"', and '"and", to read and "and" and and '"and"', and and "and"


  14. My 2 cents as a dentist. Nothing will keep patients from spending quality time with me more than flossing. I'm a realist though, it doesn't have to be two fists with a string of floss in your mouth. Waterpik, floss picks, whatever. Get something that will remove debris and remove biofilm from between your teeth.

  15. I can't imagine why people don't floss. It's really quite disgusting thinking about all that nastiness chilling in the cracks.

  16. In algorithms class we used pseudocode and I must admit that indexing at 1 made things so much easier. When I want the 5th element I get the 5th element I don't need to think that array[4] is the fifth element. Sure pointers and offsets and stuff but logic likes indexing at 1.

  17. Logic is arbitrary, whatever we use becomes "logical" after long enough. You think "I want the 5th item, I index at 5". Well think of it as the 4th item and add in the fact that there's a 0th item. Then taking the 4th item is the 4th item.

  18. Well that's new. I don't rinse my bananas. Potatoes are different because they're much dirtier and I still have to handle and touch the insides as I peel them.

  19. Potatoes can also have pesticides and the different peeling process can introduce the external stuff to the internal

  20. You're not an idiot, the posters title was massively misleading. It was 3 years and the kid was basically adopted immediately, and only made official 3 years later.

  21. That’s a big selling point for iPhone for me

  22. Yeah no, this doesn't make things easier haha. Just imagine trying to assemble Legos, but they instantly fuse any time they touch

  23. This does not seem like much of an issue to me, the modern factory uses highly precise robotics already. You would just need them to do anything that requires this type of welding.

  24. Android to Android doesn't have this issue and basically has its own imessage version. It's only between android to iPhone there's an issue and Google has tried to work with them so the systems would play nicer and Apple refuses.

  25. Android to Iphone doesn't have this issue either. Android can send a video to iphone and it comes through fine. But if the iphone sends it, it can ping it first to realize it's not an iphone then sabotages the video/picture

  26. Asking this question in English is dumb. We do whatever the fuck we want.

  27. Did you have yourself tested for genetic illnesses? If not, buy life insurance now. Then instruct your heir(s) that any lingering bills are yours, not theirs, and that any inherited largesse is a thank you for helping, not to pay bills. It's worth the lawyer fees to set up a trust that is the beneficiary of such life insurance.

  28. It saddens me that this is a worry in the US in those circumstances. You guys deserve better.

  29. Well, all I can say is if you ever have severe acute back pain, suck up your pride and try a chiropractor. You should still see a doctor.

  30. While the person who replied to you was silly for saying you were fooled when you clearly had a positive response to it, you kind of backtracked by recommending anyone "suck up their pride" and commit to a practice where there have been many documented cases of paralysis, permanent neuropathic pain, and other injuries that increase chance of stroke or even death.

  31. Well I did some digging on your claims, and you’re right there are documented negative outcomes. However, I could not find a medical source claiming that seeing a chiropractor is unsafe, including the Mayo Clinic. Health insurances covers chiropractors.

  32. That's a fair point, I suppose to me it is the possible extreme to which these can go. I agree with you that a regular medical treatment has these risks too. Though if I throw out my back, the thoughts are "chiropractor" or "take some advil and suffer for a few days". A medical treatment wouldn't enter that scenario so comparing them directly didn't make sense to me.

  33. Plus your house is only going to go up in value. You’re playing the long game, but it’s worth it. Would you rather have 1k today or 10k plus inflation in ten years?

  34. Inflation doesn't work that way. You don't get more money for having money with inflation. Your 10k is just worth less in 10 years. If the interest rate on your mortgage is lower than the current rate of inflation, you're actually making a better investment by throwing your cash into a mortgage because the house will appreciate in value and that same 10k will be worth way less in 10 years. Furthermore, the value of your house will rise with inflation.

  35. It comes out of the dispenser cold and I don't like watered down soda

  36. Wow... you've never been to a McDonalds or ANY gas station and got a fountain drink?

  37. I know someone who is fairly wealthy. He has worked with several billionaires and other wealthy people. He told me that luck is a much more important factor than people realize. Of course some people work hard but most are just exceptionally lucky. Also, 9/10 times they are a**holes.

  38. This is what I try to tell everyone. Not only do you have to have all the right resources, but need a lot of things to align to make it big. Most specifically, it aligns with new technologies that leave GLARING gaps in the market that are super easy to fill. If you have the right education and resources, filling them becomes easier than others.

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