
  1. Info: Did you wank yourself off while writing this godawful fanfic, or are you waiting to see how many commentors play along with you?

  2. It took me rewatching TMNT (1990) as an adult to understand when Donatello accuses Casey Jones of being claustrophobic, and Casey defensively responds that he's "never even looked at another guy before."

  3. If he'll lie about basic stuff like his age and name, he'll lie about anything.

  4. Is this an RPG Maker Update, or an update you're making to your game specifically?

  5. Nobody is obligated to maintain any set weight or body shape or body size for anybody else.

  6. Some women might be in to being talked to that way by the guy they're seeing. If you're not, it's okay. You're allowed to tell him that that kind of dirty talk doesn't interest you.

  7. I'm just here to see who falls for this super obvious rage bait.

  8. INFO: Why lie about the ice? Why not just say that you were experiencing complications from your surgery?

  9. I'm just here to see who falls for this super super obvious bait.

  10. She’s a criminal idiot but the sentencing is insanely high for crimes that don’t seem to have gotten anyone raped or killed. A few years seems much more reasonable.


  12. It's that kind of weird where it feels really real and intense at the moment but then a decade later you cringe at ever having been that way.

  13. Easy way? How? I am always ready to have sex and make him cum. So how is it easy?

  14. Because a dude can jack off in literally one minute and then get back to his life, and not have to bother anybody else with it. It's a stress relief, it has nothing to do with intimacy or feelings or emotions.

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