
  1. And specific questions aren't allowed. What are we supposed to post then?

  2. My middie girl, Anne was never an arcanist. She took a commission to clear up some bandits in Eastern La Noscea, and while taking the last of them she tripped over a crate, sending its contents spilling out. She touched the SCH soulstone, the fairy came out, and Anne decided that this Alka Zolka guy can deal with some of his stuff mysteriously missing. She learnt everything on her own with the soulstone's and the fairy's help.

  3. If people say they have a mental illness, believe them. They may not necessarily have the mental illness they claim to have, but healthy people don't do that.

  4. According to Google, NZ lies at the edge of both the Australian and Pacific tectonic plates and is highly volcanic. Honestly I agree with them not wanting a nuclear power plant there.

  5. I mean I'd totally be up for eating human meat if I could source some legally without much hassle.

  6. Line weight is great at not making images look too clean. Basically in areas with more "oomph", make the line thicker.

  7. Magic hating technological merpeople and sky mages living on clouds are the only extant groups of humans.

  8. Tbh most people would respect a talking hockey puck wayyy before me.

  9. Become someone they would respect then.

  10. Lol just means something else about me pisses them off instead.

  11. Are you saying you're incapable of forming a social bond with anyone?

  12. I remember this being a pretty optimistic/normalizing article all things told. A lot of funny passages

  13. Taliban: takes over an entire country

  14. It’s so funny, like wow conservatism is really a cowards philosophy. And also funny that it’s just like “oh after talking to these people I realized they are people actually”, like more of that shit than they realized is just based on fear response, maybe you could have just talked to people earlier? I guess better now than never

  15. Hmm, I may need to learn this about men.

  16. Born premature. 4 months early. they eventually married but divorced

  17. I very highly doubt you were 4 months early. 2-3 months early and your parents lying about conception sounds a bit more likely.

  18. I was the "last ditch effort to keep my parents together" child. They separated when I was 6 weeks old.

  19. I recommend looking up some medical dramas. There's several scenes of young patients with GSW being wheeled in.

  20. No, absolutely not. You should not allow a player to make up their own homebrew that takes away the penalty of dying. That would be very overpowered and unfair to the rest of the players.

  21. Depending on the party's level, that's not much of a penalty. 300gp and the party clerics action.

  22. Big Oof to that person. It's mildly funny how they're doing the orz (Disappointed) pose while everyone else is staring at them in disapproval.

  23. It's funny that the NPCs blame WoL for the hardware the game is running on.

  24. It looks really cool! One thing I noticed is that the shadows and highlights seem a bit randomly placed and all of them have soft edges. In the collarbone area an upward-facing plane is lit, but in the face area it isn't. Same with right-facing planes, I can't figure out if the raised wing is supposed to be blocking the light on its spine or not.

  25. I believe this would be an unsustainable political position, as Benders would just move to a nation that proffers privileged, special protection and political decision making power over to them. Any nation that can attract the Benders would have a decisive military advantage over those that does not.

  26. Benders still have advantages over non-benders (more job opportunities, groups that cater to bender-only activities etc), but most people just want to have a comfortable life. They won't abandon their homes, friends etc and move because non-benders get equal rights, especially if they had a good life and stable job already.

  27. No privileged group has ever liked giving up their special rights and privileges, especially if they feel threatened or outnumbered by the majority.

  28. They may not like it, but they are unlikely to abandon their lives altogether to move to Benderland. They have cushy jobs, kids in school, friends they eet with every Friday night etc.

  29. It comes off a little too grand. Chill out a bit and go closer to her vibe, which is more playful/bantery. Also, "I will become what you want me to be" absolutely sounds desperate.

  30. SnakeDiscovery has a video on how to sex snakes, you should watch it! Different snakes are also suited to different methods of sexing, I can't remember off the bat if corns are suited to popping at all.

  31. I had two Romani classmates in elementary. One of them was the worst-behaved kid in the class, one of them was one of the best behaved. So neutral.

  32. I've lived on my own already, a few years in college.

  33. I've thought that when I've had a prolonged illness. "How much snot can my body produce geez!"

  34. A lot. The body doesn't fuck around in illness mode, it will send in all the mucus and several different armies to trap and kill the invaders, diverting energy from less crucial areas and even boiling your body because the invaders tolerate it less than your body.

  35. Pretty much. Individually they're pretty small (in human scale, in cell scale they're required to be bigger than bacteria), but there's a lot of them.

  36. The real divider of FFXIV players. Which background did you use for character creator? I always used Ul'dah.

  37. I usually check all three city-states, but I do most of the design in the aetherial sea. I just think it's the coolest background.

  38. Try it with a warmer skin tone and natural background. This is horror movie lighting, of course anything put in it will look creepy.

  39. As long as nothing untoward is showing, I couldn't care less.

  40. Bronze is 90% copper, sterling silver is 92.5% silver, they don’t use pure gold either, it’s comparable.

  41. Gold uses pure gold for the plating. The inside is silver though.

  42. Yes. The Malfoys aren’t true believers, really, just opportunistic cowards and racists who choose to side with magical Hitler and then realised far too late they were morons for doing so. Snape is essentially the incel kid who falls in love with a Jewish girl, gets rejected, joins the nazis, sees them kill her despite their pinky promise to spare her, and then swears revenge.

  43. To be fair the Jewish girl didn't get killed because she was Jewish, she got killed because her baby was Jesus but without the Christianity thing.

  44. It's AI upscaling of the image. Basically the game renders everything at a lower resolution and then a part of your compatible graphics card (called "tensor cores") uses AI and math to scale the image up to whatever resolution you've set the game at.

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