
  1. I appreciate the fact you don't name the game and those who know just fucking know lol

  2. Nothing elitist about it. Just fun that it triggers an entire fanbase lol

  3. It's actually listed as that on the soundtrack, so it's already official so I fully support this decision lol


  5. That's awesome. Makes me love him even more. Thank you for sharing this with me, i appreciate it.

  6. He seems like a very down to earth kinda guy who loves his work. Love the dude

  7. Dark Cloud 2 is still one of my favourite games that I keep coming back to. What an amazing concept

  8. I have a Costco membership, I've been boycotting Loblaws since 2007

  9. Rice bad, silica packets/beads good. They will absorb the moisture and give nothing back. Rice will seep starch onto the components and cause everything to fry.

  10. Any suggestions on where to keep the silica packets on the drone to maximise moisture absorption?

  11. The best would be to put it in a bin and submerge it in as many silica beads as you can. Constant airflow is also good for helping the water evaporate.

  12. Don't Be a Menace, Scary Movie, Not Another Teen Movie are the GOAT 2000s spoof movies

  13. The beginning and the end of an era, even if the other spoof didn't figure it out lol

  14. I will give credit to scary movie 3, when the dude cocked the Shovel like a shotgun and the shell came flying out. Shit had my rolling

  15. Simply put, they announced way before they were done to Garner more preorders to make sure they weren't fronting the whole bill for nothing. At this point it was the same as companies using Kickstarter to get products made.

  16. Expensive, it will be expensive. They have already cranked up game prices in Norway as they have like a 99% market share here. When I got my PS5 they sold Last of Us Part 1 for 799kr now it is 899kr and Spider-Man 2 and new games launch at 999kr that translates into $95

  17. Same shit here in Canada brother, fucking dragons dogma 2 is 110 bucks for the deluxe and 95 for the base game. I miss the PS2 era when games were 59.99 :2231:

  18. In Canada we have an interview named George Stroumboulopoulis so I was very confused as to why he was interviewing American politicians.

  19. Money. It was a money grab. His performance was boring and had no clue what spike was really about.

  20. This subreddit has informed you that your opinion is not only wrong, but horrendously wrong.

  21. I saw this the other day and pulled out my card to inevitably pay for it but it's just prices a LITTLE too steeply for my salt.

  22. I'm very lucky to have gotten the original crew all complete because 400 bucks wasn't bad for most of em, I think Ed was the most expensive for the deluxe. I wanted the rest, Vicious, the duel between them, and now this. But I'm Canadian and don't make a lot of money. Now with conversion it's like a grand per statue and then over 100 bucks for shipping (I ordered spike for 40 dollars shipping.)

  23. Plastic straws are a bad example. Studies have recently come out to show paper straws are made with known carcinogens and are worse for people and the environment than the plastic straws they replaced, in addition to being absolute garbage at being straws.

  24. There is a company in Vancouver that makes natural reed straws that have a shelf life of 3 months after first use and biodegrades naturally. This is what we should be doing but sadly it makes far too much sense lol

  25. Rain with the male vocalist. That song Just hits different

  26. What Planet is This!? From the Bebop movie. Can jam to that all day.

  27. Saw the movie in theaters the other day I was the only one having a fucking jam session to what planet is this and I was extremely disappointed in the rest of the crowd

  28. Cause I didn’t read or understand the article and I thought they were against it.

  29. Whelp at least you learned something and that's all that matters. Have a good one buddy

  30. As a father of two with limited access to my own console and tv, VR is amazing. I can play VR games for sure and a lot of them are absolute bangers. RE4R VR was an absolute treat.

  31. Conservatives would never get elected again. Unless they proposed policies that the people actually support. But I guess then, they wouldn't be Conservatives any more.

  32. They aren't even conservative now, so what else is new lol

  33. I haven't seen anyone else say Layer Cake which goes to show not enough people have watched this flick. Great acting, fantastic and tense mystery to the story. One of the best examples of PTSD of killing someone for the first time and got Daniel Craig the role of James Bond.

  34. Well fuck a duck. That there'll be 20,000 questioner if I ever saw one. At least 30,000 questions for Bonnie McMurray I'm sure there'll be. Probably be 40,000 questions for that lady.

  35. Fuck I'm surpriseds we're not asking 50'000 questions right nows!

  36. Oh we don't hates yous good buddies

  37. Getting downvoted for being right, the true Reddit experience lol

  38. Yeah there was no advertising in any of the theaters. I saw it up on Chinook today at 330. Super fun to see it on the big screen.

  39. Taking my brother today at 330. Would have been cool to see it yesterday as I think that was Steve Blum's birthday.

  40. Liquid metal is covering the APU chip. It's inside a sealed well under the metal plate protecting the motherboard. It will cling to the chip but when it warms up it will drip off. Usually you put a piece of plastic that forms a cup over the chip when you work on your cleaning or commonly the HDMI port replacement. Another option if you have the correct syringe is to suck it up and store it until required.

  41. My jealousy knows no bounds. I didn't even know this existed. I have also now realised memory foam and some white fabric is a great tool to make this for cosplay

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