
  1. I mean, it's not completely OOC. Remember back in the first five seasons (I think s1 or s2) when the brothers encountered (I think it was) vampires and Sam kept insisting that they weren't necessarily evil but Dean was against it?

  2. I read somewhere that Jared said the finale is 5 yrs after then penultimate episode. So you can add 5 yrs to that.

  3. I was pretty sure that was true (I'm a fanfic girlie), but couldn't find a source

  4. I know they are young, but seeing this is just depressing

  5. Did THEY write it though? I'm more concerned that their coach/parent is racist/xenophobic.

  6. 'My words are my faith, to Hell with our good name.' Every time I hear that line by heart soars. "The road outside my house is paved with good intentions." "We're a bull your ears are just a China shop." (especially the little trill Patrick does at the end of that bit!)

  7. Hey, I’m shocked no one has said this yet, but - “the best way to make it out with hearts and wrists intact, is to realize two out of three ain’t bad” - I didn’t even realize people interpreted this differently honestly, but I always took this as “two wrists + heart = ‘three’” so if you make it out with a broken heart but ‘intact’ wrists (for lack of better term), that’s two out of three, so it’s better than nothing, if that makes sense.

  8. Meh, art is subjective. I'm always impressed by how much enthusiasm he puts into his skating, and how joyful of a person he seems to be <3 The same, for me, was true with Yuzuru Hanyu. His jumps were elegant, his spins graceful, he flew threw the air, and yet I still did not enjoy it.

  9. Erasing is still not a good idea. If you have stuff that’s good but crossed out you have more chance at marks than stuff that’s just gone.

  10. True, but over the last two years I've usually just had to draw massive 'x's through papers, and have stressed heavily about using pen when I know I'm more in my element with a pencil.

  11. I find it annoying, but I can also understand that people who appreciate rhythm and instrumentation more so than lyrics when it comes to their music might appreciate that part.

  12. Yeah but to get that time by kicking out his minor son to risk his life hunting alone? On his 17th birthday?

  13. Agreed. I like to believe that 'alone time with Sam' meant that Sam's demonic-side was flaring up, bc I feel like Kripke made us read between the lines in those first five seasons about why John monitored Sam so heavily.

  14. My internship last year taught me that a company that says to apply to them if you've got a 2:1 or above will happily take a second year who got a 3rd.

  15. Some useful links here wrt the course. Nowhere near all of it is necessary to have "completed" before you get here so don't stress yourself about that.

  16. OMG, I had no idea madasmaths had Laplace Transforms, convolution or fourier series!! (Our maths teacher loved that website)

  17. To answer your question. Because. He's. Married. ?!?! Good for you two? Aren't you separated? Isn't that why you're wanting him now? 

  18. No, she said she separated from her partner BECAUSE of her feelings for this MARRIED MAN!

  19. "My question is..why would he keep me close but not actually try for something real?" I'm saying it's because he's married. This sub is just filled with this crap and I'm getting sick of it. I might joke around like I'm low trash but in reality I have morals and class. I try not to place judgment and I feel for people I really do it must suck but OP needs to STOP and have some respect for herself and other peoples relationships. 

  20. IKR. I hate when people use astrology as an excuse. I mostly use it to joke around (sometimes there are things I notice though, like I'm friends with a lot of Tauruses) but bad behaviour is bad behaviour. It has nothing to do with astrology.

  21. When I went to the Glasgow show, I was upset they didn’t play Hum Hallelujah, but in hindsight it was pretty cool to get ‘Young Volcanoes’

  22. Chicago Is So Two Years Ago, Hum Hallelujah, Grand Theft Autumn, A Little Less Sixteen Candles, Fourth of July, Rat a Tat, Kitsungi Kid: if ever I am in a mood just play me one of those.

  23. The same thing can be said about natsci if you go into the right path. For example astrophysics is literally joined with the math department. I doubt any course could cover more math than math itself.

  24. When I was in second year (engineering), I wound up having to explain some rather basic maths concepts to a mathmo (also second year.)

  25. You can definitely make the switch once you're there (even halfway through the course given your grades are good), switching between Physics and Engineering is fairly common as far as switches go.

  26. ^^^ should note that while software engineering USED to be a course offered in IIA under the info division, they’ve ceased offering it.

  27. Erasing Lisa & Ben's memories but not Dean as they are still at risk with him remembering them.

  28. I think he was worried about Ben taking after him more so than something coming after them. Like ‘they’ll only be in trouble if they go looking for it.’ Or something.

  29. Destiel fans are really stretching with this one, the answer is ridiculously obvious.

  30. There’s a non destiel argument for Cas imo. I don’t know if you have siblings or even close family or friends that you’ve known since you were little, but those people often form a narrative of you that does not necessarily align with who you have become as an adult. I think Sam obviously knows Dean well, but his perception of Dean is limited as his little brother. Sam takes for granted a lot of stuff he thinks he knows about Dean, based on the way Dean acted when he was younger. There are a lot of moments on the show where Sam is surprised to find out Dean actually likes something or knows about something because it just doesn’t align with the persona he associates with Dean.

  31. I’ve got a sister, and abusive parents. If we’d been raised on the road together with nobody but each other, I’d know her better than anyone else. As fate has it, we grew apart once she started highschool. And guess what: I’d still say there’s nobody other than myself who knows me better than her.

  32. If it’s anything like the report you get if you upload your 23andMe data into GenomeLink, I think it means a match to DNA recovered from an archeological dig, not a link to a specific historical famous person.

  33. Yeah, just tried GedMatch a few minutes ago. NGL, I'm not sure whether or not to believe my 'matches' (does orange across the screen mean you share something? Tried to find it online but couldn't) but I WILL say that if one of them was true then that's ironic because one of them happens to be a body found... in the same city... that I go to uni in (which is crazy because I'm an international student and very-much not British so you wouldn't think that there would be a link)

  34. As someone who just got hit with the $70 renewal having not seen the announcement that they more that doubled their pricing, No... I would not recommend subscribing to their service.

  35. DUDE! Like, I saw the feature and I was like 'you know what... it's only £19 a year for premium, why not?'

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