
  1. In a little café Just the other side of the border She was a-sitting there a-givin' me Looks that made my mouth water

  2. Our first dog, Hank, was a Beagle Basset rescue from the shelter. Sweetest boy, loved trash cans.

  3. Nice marmot Strict drug regimen Ralph’s Ze Lingonberry pancake You wanna toe?

  4. These appear to be letters from the English alphabet circa 20th century Earth, and they are arranged in groups.

  5. Barstools in the pre- high fructose corn syrup era

  6. And then. . . let's see, I uh--music business briefly.

  7. These should be planted above graves in cemeteries

  8. I was going to take the stairs, but the door was stuck shut. Vandals. Handle. You know the rest.

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