
  1. I used to be a mortician. I’ve seen better looking corpses.

  2. I think the Fillmore Beaver area would be a good candidate.

  3. I haven’t traveled as much as I wish I had. With SLC as my home airport, it stunned me when I did start traveling and saw how dirty, smelly and grimey other airports are, especially their bathrooms.

  4. Helper is on the up! Been there lately? It is rebounding hard.

  5. i think this is old and is not OPs work. BYU have beaten the U more recently than 7 years ago

  6. I would stay in Europe and try to vacation in the U.S. periodically when you have the chance.

  7. I disagree that America is a shitty place to live. I realize a lot of Gen Z feels like that though.

  8. I'm not Gen Z. I'm in my 50s. I've sadly watched the standard of living decline in this country over the course of the past 40 years and have watched any hope for a brighter future go down the drain thanks to activist conservative courts, a corrupt congress full of shameless politicians in thrall to large moneyed interests and religious nutballs, and Christian nationalists. So no, I'm not just some whining kid. Sorry.

  9. I mean, I agree on things going downhill due to Christian politics and capitalistic greed. But I do still think much of the US is a good place to live. I wouldn’t complain if I lived somewhere in Europe either though.

  10. How can they be full if there aren’t even enough workers for the shifts at the existing temples? We consistently see emails, letters etc asking - begging - for temple workers, especially here in Utah. Saratoga Springs & Payson are perfect examples. They don’t need more buildings; they need more voluntolds to keep the existing temple shifts open everyday first.

  11. That’s odd, I live right down the street from the Timp temple and its parking lot is empty every day except Saturday.

  12. I know! It really pisses me off that they think they “need” a temple in Lehi too.

  13. They overexpanded in Chile and had to send Holland to consolidate stakes. Oaks did the same thing in the Philippines, but they've rebounded. Basically, growth stops when countries reach middle income levels, which is why their growth is in sub-Saharan Africa and to some extent the Philippines and poorer countries of Latin America.

  14. I was in Chile from ‘96-‘98 during the heyday of church over-expansion. It was ridiculous. The missions were focused 100% on baptism numbers. No surprise that 90% of the people baptized never went back to church the moment their missionaries moved on.

  15. Just post that you were laid off by apple. If they later find out it's not true, argue you meant your granny's smoothie shop.

  16. “Oh you thought I meant Apple? No I worked at apple, with a lowercase “a”. Also the logo doesn’t have a bite taken from the apple I worked at.”

  17. Agree with the meeting houses. They don’t seem to want to build or renovate anything unless the need is dire. Just mind boggling if you want to retain the people you have. Meeting houses are used every day and should be as amazing in quality as temples.

  18. Used a couple days a week actually. The rest of the time those buildings and large parking lots just take up space.

  19. I said heck in Utah and the Mormons came out of the woodwork to ask if I was lds lol 🥲

  20. You always have to say hell in front of them or they’ll assume you’re Mormon. 😆

  21. But now that is all meaningless as homicide rates and other crime rates have been climbing in the US and you can't attribute that to lack of abortion because its hasn't been 15 years since some states reduced and eliminated access to it. It was a faulty premise.

  22. In their defense it’s out of kindness. It’s not like they get part of the check if someone goes back to paying tithing. I think we can laugh at these funny behaviors without projecting ill intent onto the members.

  23. I disagree. Giving a first name is more personal and kind than giving you their title. This is just a bizarre habit church members do because they never learned that it’s weird.

  24. Boy, there's a lot to unpack here. Painfully mormon, revelation about chicken (how do they know you aren't vegetarian or have allergies?), bro even got that hyphen in the correct spot but capitlized "day" (obviously a victory for satan), no offence to anyone here with the same name but "Andy Johnson" just radiates mormon energy. There's no permission requested, only a demand to make time available to recieve the chicken, which may or may not be wanted. If I got this text now I'd be far less polite (because my records are removed) but if I'd got this while still on the rolls, my response would be "lol wtf" 

  25. The houses all have garages and yet everyone has their cars parked on the driveway. 🤔

  26. My second Google Nest doorbell camera has permanently died. I don’t think I will bother to replace it.

  27. Let’s call him Stan H Christ. He has the same last name as Jesus, right?!

  28. Funny enough, my family and I are leaving Oregon for Utah next month for the same reasons, we’ve been priced out!

  29. We're moving to Maine in a pre 1800s farmhouse on 50 acres for 250k 😄

  30. That sounds really cool! Hopefully the winters aren’t TOO cold.

  31. Yep. I took one for the team at age 40 so my kids could be free from the chains of religion most of their lives.

  32. I love the blue line going to the airport, but besides that what I’d love to see is extending it south to Lehi east of I-15.

  33. It's Rexburg. Highland is a close second

  34. Great list! I’ve also heard good things about open jazz nights at Fountain Records on Thursdays. I think starting at 8 pm.

  35. Thanks! I hadn’t heard about this one. I just updated the list 🤘🏻💀🤘🏻

  36. Seriously wtf kind of town name is that? Imagine being a black cop in White Settlement. Lol.

  37. Haha, my in-laws live there (Fort Worth area) and the name means exactly what it sounds like. 😩

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