
  1. Assuming he's gonna play in 2025 and played in 2023, that's a one year break

  2. Sneaky at least called out DL for his never-ending trash takes

  3. And to be fair, I enjoyed sneaky's fart jokes :(

  4. Richard is his own guy so don't force a topic he's not directly involved with, but Richard Thorin and Monte are kind of a known trio in the esports scene

  5. It should, but why would your region be the first to try if it means huge disadvantage?

  6. From a completely cynical competitive lense, they shouldn't. Thankfully LPL seems to be doing it regardless though

  7. I disagree here, while watching different champs is sure cool and they totally should make a tournament like that, in the end I watch pro play to see the best players on their best champions, not a circus where players 'first time' a champ to keep the mob entertained

  8. Bin nicht mal ne Stunde drin aber alter Schwede, was ein schmieriger, unangenehmer, gruseliger Typ

  9. 4fun region we go for penta instead of ending the game :^)

  10. All of this just to get 0-3ed by G2 tomorrow again lol

  11. A opinions most certainly niche, good thing most of the sports industry doesn’t follow such logic.

  12. It's not even niche within the riot ecosystem, every tournament leading into worlds has double elim now except for worlds itself

  13. For hype this is probably the best way the bracket could have played out, the next series straight up determines the 2nd MSI seed so no championship point fuckery

  14. Why force that sooo hard when Vetheo doesn't have ult

  15. yeah if you want to say he should've flashed the rakan w that's fine by me, but "just hit the arrow" is absolutely meme tier

  16. you can literally just flash into carrzy's lap and make the arrow tap his ballsack its really not that hard

  17. It’s either them, Fnatic or VIT, right?

  18. Yeah and VIT would have to win the split to go

  19. I'm by no means a Raksha expert, I've only done Raksha with necro, so if you wanna do speed kills or w/e take this with a grain of salt, but I get reliable Raksha kills like this

  20. I love people complaining like “We can’t really send MAD to MSI again right?” When they only have the Jungler from 16:47, and a brand new lineup and coaching staff. Meanwhile VIT has the coaching staff who lost in play-ins twice, coached the 16:47 team, plus the bot lane from 16:47 and nobody says anything about sending them to yet another international tournament.

  21. Yeah Mac never gets criticized for sure. And it's because he looks like Jesus. Definitely

  22. zeka with the 2022 lck player of the year flash

  23. Inspired is shaping up to be the actual successor to Forgiven, except he already won his title with that Danny EG miracle run

  24. They have a paragraph explaining it. Bonds would be MTX. Considering how small RS3 is vs OSRS 23% is huge

  25. If OSRS bonds count into the 23% that only reinforces their point, then real RS3 MTX might become a single digit percentage

  26. It sounds like they are able to scrim normally now and the main issue (in terms of practice) they currently face is the soloq quality. That sucks, but it's not as dire as it seemed before this information was made public.

  27. Need to scroll all the way to the bottom of the thread to find this reply lol

  28. Maybe they'll fix performance. Eu4 works like a slug for me and ck3 just speeds through

  29. Ending a ~1700s EU4 campaign and moving to a fresh 1444 start feels like being reborn, the late game performance is so bad

  30. Hey! I just unlocked Invention and I had a few questions about how to best "optimize" it, maybe silly questions but I want to make sure I'm not shooting myself in the foot long-term

  31. GX aren't bad, Peach is bad, but the team as a whole is so anti-clutch and chokes so easily.

  32. Maybe we should start doing tiebreakers again for important seeding like top4 like you do for playoff birth or elimination.

  33. Yeah Rogue got kinda fucked in their tiebreaker

  34. FNC needs Razork to be the best jungler in the league to have any hopes of contesting G2

  35. I can't believe LCS teams keep letting Impact leave

  36. Umti will remember this moment for the rest of his life

  37. G2 needs to figure out their early game. It's been a few years now that they lack a lot on this part. And against easterns teams, it's not gonna do it.

  38. I mean G2 is winning both these splits 4v5, literally the MVP of the League last year is running it down every game this year

  39. Definitely 2020 C9/2021 G2 vibes from this C9, what a collapse

  40. 2020 spring C9 was great

  41. One of the most dominant LCS splits in history, thats why the summer collapse is a historic one

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