
  1. It does work below that requirement. Quite well in fact, but it's not worth trading for the lost plugin compatibility at that point. The difference between folia and a normal paper server at that scale isn't really noticable. So you'd barely get an improvement, but a lot of problems.

  2. If you know how to write plugins, you can just add a player join and leave listener and set the leave/join message to null. This is a deprecated method, but still works.

  3. Yep Plugin on Server and client side mod with either forge or fabric.

  4. No, animemes is pretty bad too, plus it’s the sub where the mods infamously called people “chuds and bigots” and “transphobic”for their own made-up reasons. I don’t recommend supporting them at all.

  5. Doesn't goodanimemes just exist because the mods over at animemes pulled some weird bullshit like that?

  6. There was a whole civil war. The memes during that were fantastic.

  7. Yeah something like that. I was only watching from the sidelines tho.

  8. Dann erstmal die Schiene autonom bedienen. Das ist seit 20 Jahren möglich. Was viele auch nicht sehen, ist das dadurch die Preise im Nahverkehr enorm hoch sind im Vergleich zu anderen europäischen Ländern. Es bringt niemanden etwas Jobs, die man automatisieren könnte, aufgrund von Joberhalt nicht zu automatisieren.

  9. Wurde ja sogar schon auf dem Streckenabschnitt Bergedorf-Berliner Tor mit der S2 getestet. Da waren und sind aktuell 4 Testzüge für autonomes fahren unterwegs soweit ich weiß.

  10. Where are you getting multi threaded Forge server software?

  11. Mcmt maybe. Altho that mod can cause some issues. Only available for 1.15 and 1.16 tho iirc

  12. You might be able to just use an airdrop plugin and configure it, so it doesn't despawn chests.

  13. I am probably the only one who wasn't quite impressed by the performance?...downvotes incoming lol

  14. There was definitely some issues, like the guitar sound on Wrath of Monoceros caeli being really thin and for some reason the orchestra going out of sync during the rex incognito buildup and the things you already pointed out.

  15. If you want bedrock skins to show for Java players, just install floodgate alongside geyser. That will handle the verification and skins.

  16. I like investing in "bad" characters and making them at least mediocre and Aloy's been on my list for a while. What artifact set do you run on her?

  17. Depending on if you run her in a freeze or a melt team, you either run 4pc blizzard strayer or 4pc gilded dreams. I know that some people also use 4pc shimenawas tho. Aside from that 2pc combinations and 4pc marechaussee with furina can work.

  18. I think this will be really helpful to newer Aloy players. I have a few friends that are building her and now I finally don't have to explain grouping to them.

  19. I look at the meta to find new ways to make my favourite characters stronger. Understanding the concepts that are often cited within the meta, so that I can utilise non meta characters as much as I can.

  20. I look up the lowest abyss usage rate characters and try to build those characters as a DPS and clear with them usually works quite well and has led to me having Aloy as one of my mains.

  21. I can give you my hoyolab, but I don't think the event is on there. If you really want proof tho, you can hit me up on discord later and I can livestream the game for you.

  22. Can you check if your profile is visible to public? I couldn't check your abyss records either

  23. It is public, but you need to be logged in on Hoyolab with your own account. Sadly doesn't show it otherwise.

  24. Only riptide slash is considered skill dmg. For riptide burst you want to either use HoD or Shimenawas, since it is normal attack damage.

  25. Um? Not really. He plays just like hu tao and has one more step than ayaka. Coming from someone who has all three and has cyno as my current main dps, it isn't really that different besides a different flavor of damage

  26. The closest is probably tartaglia tbh. Stance change with long cool down. With cyno doing normals and skill casts during his stance and Childe doing normals and charge attacks.

  27. Dude why does this sub Pop up so much for me I am not when Cyno main, not I am in this Sub, nor do I have Cyno nor am I planning to Pull for him. Btw he is not that bad lol. His Gameplay is kinda cliche but he is really badass and hot to play just Like Raiden. As a Raiden Main I respect him.

  28. Thanks. Respect to you too, not everyone goes into other main subreddits with an open mind like you. Appreciate it

  29. Whats your setup? highest I could get was 222k

  30. Rotation is: venti q, Childe q, Benny q, kazuha q, swap to Childe, use event buff by pressing t, open map and wait

  31. I didn't know about the map thing so I'm doing that rn, but I kinda overestimated how interesting the gameplay would be, as in I didn't consider I'd just be staring at the map lol

  32. Yeah. You just kinda... Leave and do something else. That's what I've been doing at least. Lmao

  33. Fully expecting someone to do the map glitch from a server refresh to the other. (My pronostics are 11390562 points)

  34. Currently working on it. It seems to be about 800k to 1.2 million Points per hour if you can pull it off. So way higher than your predicted score if you can keep it going for 24 hours

  35. I tried to let it run for 4 hours, but the problem is that you would get so many energy particles it would just lag the game too much and enemies stopped spawning all together, so i think even with the best pc max someone would get will be only 3 mil sth. My game froze at 1.2 mil already

  36. I just got 4 million. My PC isn't that insane tbh. It is not possible to get the end card on these runs, but after force closing and restarting the game the score still got recorded. I stopped the run because I got impatient, so I think higher scores are still possible.

  37. Always looked like white pants to me tbh.

  38. I would say, Homa and Aqua as both those are some of the best 5 star weapons in the game for multiple different characters.

  39. Surprisingly cynos weapon is usually better than homa. Even on hu tao at c0 in a vape team. The combination of insane crit value and em to atk conversion is just simply that good for anyone using reactions.

  40. impressive raiden ranking, that's been my hardest leaderboard to climb

  41. Yeah. I think Raiden and Hu tao specifically have some of the most competitive leaderboards. You can mostly see how competitive a leaderboard is by checking how many people ranked in that category. The more competitive ones have more people in general.

  42. They're flogging ROCM hard, greasing palms at pytorch and lining up dedicated AI acceleration for microsoft products using Xilinx IP on APUs.

  43. Wish I could actually use room. Been stuck with directml for a while. Honestly I will probably switch at some point in the near future. As long as there is no proper longtime support for rocm I will have to swap over. I'd prefer not to, but theres not really an alternative rn.

  44. Yunjins buff is stronger, but with 3 enemies or more, you run out of her trigger quota pretty early into the rotation. Trigger quota is 30 and each enemy hit lowers it. So if you are fighting 3 enemies or more Candace becomes better.

  45. C6 170% Just enough to get it off cooldown

  46. I've just been using conqueror. Probably not optimal, but it feels pretty good. Especially into melee mid laners

  47. How does that work? Like does the ult stack it every tick?

  48. Nom the ult only gets a stack for the first hit against someone. But since each ability hit gives 2 stacks, you still get it pretty fast. In Teamfights you can get it fully stacked pretty fast and just keep it for the rest of the fight. In lane you just have to use your range to keep it stacked. As long as the enemy doesn't back off and lose farm, you can keep it stacked and win trades for free.

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