
  1. Dumb children fall for clickbait even easier than 80 year old grandparents.

  2. No, because certain emotes evoke different emotions. If I call you "stupid head", you probably dont care. But if I call you bitch, youre more likely to. They're both words, and both insults, so why get more upset at one vs the other?

  3. imo I think the Donkey Laugh and Taking the L are just notoriously annoying emotes. I think the main reason Epic did this was to censor the whip crack and plantain emote, which unfortunately has racist connotations. I assume it became a rather large controversy as of late and the choice to give an option to censor it probably has something to do with the Disney buyout idk.

  4. What's hilarious about this is if the post said "an eevee" there would be a whole 'nother fandom rabid about it. "My eevee" requires context. XD

  5. imo kicking someone for having a fursona is fucking stupid in general, but I also think what original tweet was basically saying was "my Discord pfp was of artwork I made, I shared a reference sheet for the character, and DM was an asshole about it and banned me from the Discord server."

  6. It was outclassed last season, it's outclassed this season.

  7. I just want something more than three brands of assault rifle, two three brands of shotgun, one three brands of light ammo weapons, and a sniper. (And the hand canon I guess)

  8. I doubt they'd add it back, but I really liked the Pulse Rifle.

  9. Give better loot for a start. The big reason no one lands on the train is because it gives you two blue guns, and I'm not going to let myself be paraded around for anyone to take pot shots at for a freaking blue pump shotgun and blue harbinger SMG. You should be able to choose what guns you want from the train in some sort of pre-game menu, complete with attachments. It could still be two blues or it could be one purple. Hell, it could be one blue but with the gun type + attachments set in stone I'd still go for it.

  10. Smolder Top is a passive farmer akin to Kayle. Only difference is that unlike Kayle he actually gets to be a champ before level 6.

  11. Made a tier list of all the FNCS skins: Siren is one of the best. Granted maybe it's because Siren has always been one of the better skins in the game, and I have always felt that it was held back by its drab color pallet.

  12. The reaper has been such a balancing nightmare that at this point I'll be happy when we no longer have to deal with it and the discourse it has brought... I kind of get it though. In Builds, my primary mode, it's still really good but you obviously have more ways to put a fight against it. In ZB it would easily and frequently wipe entire squads especially if the enemy squad were all packing snipers, which wasn't a hard task to accomplish. Pretty much every attempt to nerf it has backfired in some way, it's almost funny but is in reality just a bit sad that Epic decided to keep this controversial weapon around whilst also introducing a new long-range weapon with the huntress DMR. Why pick the peashooter when you can go for the familiar sniper and one-tap reliably?

  13. I think Zero Build is the real place where the sniper has a problem. Half the clips I see on this sub or on Twitter complaining about the sniper have been in Zero Build, and half the Build Mode "snipers OP" clips I've seen have either been skill issues or hitboxes in C5 being completely jank (which is a completely separate issue.)

  14. Bots this season have such weird aim. Sometimes they can't hit the broad side of a barn and other times their sleeper agent code activates and they aimbot you to death.

  15. Cerberus medallion is the most underrated one by far. People really don't understand the value of that insane mobility, but I never see people going for Cerberus.

  16. I have a really bad habit where if I ever get Aang (and to a lesser extent Kora) my brain defaults to this. I will say it's fun and it works quite well but the biggest problem by far is shotguns. You learn VERY quickly that while Firebending is a lot of fun unga bunga shotgun meta is still very much alive this season, and nothing hurts more than doing a full combo (plus the sky kick) with Firebending on a shotgun user just for them to kill you in 2 seconds holding M1 with an auto-shotty.

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