
  1. That’s a job I wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole

  2. I've done that job with a six foot Pole, his name's Marek.

  3. Yeah so mother of 3 is going to spend £3,000 minimally on just beds for her children? As if

  4. I always love the architectural clash between The Midland and the new skyscrapers behind. Appeals to me.

  5. They have to keep moving "Speed" style in case someone nicks their easy to steal JLR wankmobile

  6. A pain au chocolate being called a chocolate croissant enrages me on behalf of the French - which is an odd feeling to have

  7. My 6 yr old is not asking for a pain au Chocolat I can tell you. Choccy croissant.

  8. Mine sleeps wherever he wants, currently on my bed getting in my bloody way.

  9. She came across as an idiot tbh. Her podcast and its 'concept' are shite

  10. My biking boots have metal buckles on the outside, it would be terrible if they contacted that car door.

  11. I love this movie. It’s seriously one of my favorites. So unsettling and creepy. The whole thing.

  12. You could fit at least 4 bikes in a standard UK single garage, my mate's got 6 in his.

  13. Yeh but that's never really been a garage you'd get in the UK unless you're minted. The average new build garage is fine for a few bikes, tools, other stuff.

  14. There was a kid in our school called Rick, bullshitted that it was short for Maverick. It wasn't, was it Richard?

  15. UK should not brag about parental leave it’s awful compared to European countries. It’s basically luck if your job gives you enchant pay otherwise it’s peanuts.

  16. Depends who you work for. I got 3 weeks at full pay and then took another 4 weeks when my wife went back to work.

  17. Great British railway journeys. I don't have any Interest in many of the small towns he goes to but I love watching Micheal portillo. absolutely no clue why. He just talks with such passion he grabs me haha.

  18. I just watched a series by him walking the pilgrims way in the Pyranees. Fascinating but couldn't understand the lack of trains until I realised it was a totally different programme.

  19. Also love the fact that the show ended essentially because he caught every exceptionally large freshwater species on the planet. The man was just too good at his job.

  20. He could just be a really reliable printer!

  21. He really should have named his daughter Dorothy

  22. I've never heard them called Shitter Birds before, but its good.

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