
  1. As though this project had, or has, any chance of being built.

  2. That's fair enough. When was it that Quebec seceded from Canada?  I must've not been paying attention when that happened

  3. Quebec was never part if CPP. It created its own pension fund in the 1960s. Education is always better than obfuscation.

  4. And nevertheless you can work in Quebec, then work in BC and still receive a full pension from a combination of QPP and CPP. Magic isn't it?

  5. Yes, if you pay into both programs then you collect from both programs. Not sure if that’s magic or just common sense.

  6. The pranksters are absolutely not funny but what the fuck is up with those 'wrestlers' responses? That's a total overreaction. The pranksters could easily sue, and they should, that is not a mature response.

  7. If you try and pull a prank on someone who fights for a living, even if those fights are scripted, there's a chance they will try and fight you.

  8. Sounds like a dog that should be put in a cage, the way you describe it. There's a human being in there that can learn, and I don't care how much you're a 'fighter', you can't tell me they're unable to learn proper self discipline.

  9. Hopefully this guy learned not to fuck around with people who might help him find out. I would also say they showed a lot of discipline and restraint. They could have fucked that guy up a lot more than they did.

  10. I wonder if the shape of the roof had anything to do with it, being a half dome and us getting a partial eclipse ...

  11. Truly.  He's just a pathetic loser who's lashing out at other people for trying to do good because seeing people do good makes him feel bad about himself.    

  12. Not a concert, but sat in a city centre just killing a bit of time, idly looking around; and some of the day-time drinkers came up to me and said "You're a cop, aren't you?" I said no, just enjoying the sun, and one of the ladies replied "You have to tell us if you are, that's the law." It's bizarre how people believe these urban myths; undercover work just wouldn't work if you could defeat it so easily by just asking... I think I said something like "Well, I'm not, so don't worry", then waited until they calmed down and quietly moved on in case they got paranoid again.

  13. Not to mention unlike in Calgary, you can save an average of $1000 a month by simply not owning a car in most of the city. Competent, safe, frequent and clean transit is a great equalizer. (look up average car ownership costs, it’s actually even higher now)

  14. What is this 'competent, safe, frequent and clean transit' you speak of?

  15. Greenfield developers don't like Nenshi. Inner city developers do.

  16. If he was carrying a crow bar he probably lives nearby. The City Pub is right there too, it's a bit sketchy.

  17. is that a shark or dolphin or something at 0:03? Looks like he sees something and swims away from it.

  18. I just want to be able to take a train to the airport and not spend hundreds of dollars to store my car there.

  19. Park2Go is $63 for a week. Handed the guy my keys and got on a 5 minute bus to the terminal, then when I landed my car was running and heated.

  20. She seems tone deaf for sure but I also haven't seen a pr campaign to misrepresent her used against a mayor like this.

  21. The Sun did nothing but take runs at Nenshi and he didn't suffer the same fate ... she and her team are just really bad at PR.

  22. Video ended too soon, looked like that dude was fixing to beat his ass.

  23. Based on the time stamp, my guess is they were walking home from the bar, probably live in the area.

  24. If you have a lease with the landlord, that has nothing to do with the other couple, and them leaving has nothing to do with your lease.

  25. If I remember correctly they fired her ass too

  26. If her name is Erica, sounds like it. You hear a woman say what sounds like that name in a not so friendly way at the end.

  27. Aren't there laws in the US saying how much you can pay with coins? There is in Canada.

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