
  1. This guy is super sketchy. He wasn't interested in making a social or professional contact. He wanted to see if she'd be interested in hooking up. And that's so far away from kosher it's not even funny. He's client side and determines whether they get paid or not for their work. He determines if and when they get rehired.

  2. Would his wife be ok with those inappropriate texts? Do you feel uncomfortable sharing texts with us? Your BF was correct that this was inappropriate and you are upset with him? Harvey Weinstein casting couch comes to mind... Why protect the person in the wrong here?

  3. In my opinion, if you broke up with him, it would have nothing to do with the surgery and everything to do with him trying to pressure you into sex acts when you have been very clear that you don't want to. He is ignoring your boundaries.

  4. So, what number does he consider financially stable? How far is he from that number? Are there other parties you two are having sex with, or is there a compro.ise on both sides. So many questions...

  5. "You need grit, determination, and a small loan from your parents" lol

  6. To think this guy was gay baiting for views a year ago

  7. Damn 😂😂 no way he’s serious. Thugger >> trav and I love trav trust me

  8. Lol if that shit bag finally catches charges, I’m celebrating.

  9. You have to sharpen your video, below is a tutorial on tik tok. ➡️Search and follow➡️ tiktok .com /t/ZTR74mq3X/

  10. so again it’s not really the quality of the edit itself, because like i said it saves in 4k quality and looks great, the problem occurs when i upload it to tiktok and the quality of it on there is all muddy

  11. Hey man I know ppl aren't always nice online but I have to respectfully say that you could let the images in your edit last for a bit longer. It's too fast paced and I'm unironically saying that it could be a risk to a person with epilepsy.

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