
  1. Clockwork Echo is a new aggrotech band started in 2018 I saw open for Skold last year. Gabriel was nice was hanging out in the crowd for Skold 's show.

  2. Lol, can you do the same with DIC Gi Joe and Extreme. That be nice.

  3. I don't recall reading anything about INTJs being micromanagers. Actually the opposite. They tend to prefer to let people find out for themselves and then evaluate later. Quite hands-off since they expect people to figure out themselves. INTJs hate being micromanaged typically due to tertiary Fi. Yes, can probably be passive aggressive, but not everyone is interested in sharing feelings openly. As long as work done, does it matter?

  4. Said person could very well be ISTJ, their behavior varied and it was a stressful work environment.

  5. Yes and no. Depends on the people and how I want to present myself. Once upon a time when I did criminal defense I developed an infamous reputation among the other side. Thankfully most got over it and realized that was just me doing my job.

  6. Because most people are very boring. Tell them to go listen to Taylor Swift or Beyonce.

  7. Saw Ministry in Ohio a few weeks ago, they played Godda*mn White Trash, which riled up a couple of folks, Al paused the show, called them Nazis and they were removed from the show. It was awesome.

  8. Awesome. I saw when in Atlanta on 2004 the night before the election. Some more in the audience up front yelled something pro-Bush. Al called him out and had him kicked out. Then said it was for that dumbasses own protection lol

  9. For sure! I picked up the Fortbight boat for the Joe's but got lucky a few months ago on that HydraFoil at $4.19 from a different GW

  10. The Gothsicles are pretty weird and I’m pretty sure not problematic.

  11. Ditto on playing with them. I have wanted to rebuild a Rattler for a while now. I already did a Tomahawk but I need something for Cobra.

  12. Awesome. I am a few parts away from finishing a Rattler rebuild (chin gun and an engine cover). And finding my extra gunner canopy that I thought was lost in a move but turned up in the wrong box after I got a replacement.

  13. I love electronic music. Mostly the industrial umbrella which isn't too far from EDM.

  14. Awesome. I saw them last week in Cherokee, NC. Had good chats with Matt and Rhys after the show, awesome show and awesome dudes.

  15. It was outdoors. Was really weird seeing fla in daylight but it was worth the 3 1/2 hr drive.

  16. Awesome. My drive to the show I saw ended up being 5 hours with traffic but totally worth it.

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