
  1. This title had me thinking I was on the wrong subreddit

  2. We weren’t able to express soluble plant enzyme in E. coli for my project, so we switched over and we’re able to express in yeast. I’m the only one in my lab using yeast expression as our other proteins are soluble and active when expressed in E. coli. It’s all about what works best for your prep.

  3. Its pretty cool to have someone reply that actually did the experiments

  4. The real answer is experimentation: for a given protein you won’t know which is best until you try. Even then you may have to tweak the construct length quite a bit until you hit a sweet spot.

  5. Catching me with my Secretary. Aaa memories.

  6. Thank you so much for this. And yes I am a Matie.

  7. I actually have no idea. But it's a really good well funded University so I'll check.

  8. She wasn't interested in dating me anymore. I just couldn't be with a woman that didn't like me back so I dumped her butt.

  9. Yes. As someone who is in a healthy relationship for 3 years now: Tell him. Transparency is good.

  10. Actually you haven't been dating long though. So disregard that first advice

  11. Maybe if the kid opened his eyes...

  12. This is a pretty fucked up joke but I'll upvote

  13. Just to add to this, the dissonance (uncomfortable feeling) can also occur whenever there's a mismatch beliefs/behaviors. For example, if you told yourself you need to study tonight for a test tomorrow (your belief) but you're currently on reddit or binge-watching Netflix (your behavior), that mismatch would create dissonance. So we like to resolve that dissonance before it becomes too uncomfortable (oftentimes without even being aware of it). That means either changing our behavior (getting back to studying), or changing our belief (the test won't be that hard, I'll do fine if I cram in the morning). There's lots of other interesting examples of how our behaviors cause us to change our feelings/beliefs, and one of the reasons people in cults like them so much.

  14. Oh my God I'm in this exact situation right now Writing in 2 hours

  15. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Method where you pull out your ball hair in order to cry on command

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