
  1. Oof that some silverback only XXX but i feel good...not like u but..good

  2. Oh...u managed to find my weekend nipplies to tickle....uuhhhhfluff me more

  3. My man MJMillahhhh!!! Missed you buddy

  4. Bubbles stuck in the waterblock buddy

  5. I am Jan hodler, I am holding, proudly!

  6. Study more, save more, invest more.

  7. kennyboy original content! Let me upvote and unzip really quick

  8. Man...that's the 3rd post I can't upvote

  9. Every 2 months this fake garbage comes back. Stop

  10. Very intresting..thx for ur digging

  11. Tweet this exact meme straight to him, let's see if he delivers

  12. options are not a trap. specially sold puts on gme are never a trap. you decide wich strikeprice you want. ie at wich price you are willing to buy shares. no trap, no magic. it is simple, if you know what you do. stop saying options are bad. it is simply not true.

  13. I'm not talking about options...I'm asking dumbfukapes like me to put visibility on this and STAY OUT OF IT.

  14. Dumbiape silverback...ook ook

  15. 43. There's no GS in my country if I win give it to the closest number

  16. Wow, mj it really 500 days? That means ure way more healthy and I'm...drunk as me I want to be like u

  17. When they mispronounce ur name for the 2nd time

  18. Hey's not 3 months ITS 90 DAYS.

  19. Yes! Probably closer to 75 days, but put 3 months for simplicity. Pretty sensitive subject it appears

  20. They told me the 90 days thing after I went out (92 days)..took me in a common holding "room" for 2 hours the 6 in a single "room", no way to being listened to...then the shift of the woman in charge ended and a cool guy came, I explained that I was married n shit and from that it was all sorry sorry don t sue us.

  21. Thx for all the work you put up man. They think apes are all regarded like me.

  22. Why u no help me make many moneys? Send DM with tomorrow moves for impact in my life.

  23. Behind Chuck's beard there's no chin...just another punch

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