
  1. Maybe she's toy motivated or praise motivated. Work with her to find out what motivates her to do what you want. Not all dogs are food motivated, but something will work for her.

  2. She likes her treats in the home. But outside she’s too distracted and shakes from being scared. So I’ve brought treats with me outside but she won’t take them.

  3. Look into clicker training it worked wonders on my anxious girl

  4. This happened to me with chicken. They would have to stretch my esophagus every time I went for an EGD. I was diagnosed with EOE.

  5. Yeah I’ve always had it under anesthesia. My throat is sore for a couple days after but it feels so much better to eat and not choke. I know how that feels and it’s scary and hurts.

  6. Well, there’s your red flag, OP. If he’s gonna act like this when you just aren’t interested, how’s he gonna act in a relationship?

  7. Did your doctor say why they recommend eating less meat? Vegetarian food isn’t necessarily more healthy. My guess is maybe to lower fat intake or hormones from animal fats?

  8. This. My dietitian told me people with pcos benefit from eating meat as a protein source and that vegetarian isn’t the best option.

  9. Nah, mine looked the same when I did it too! Gonna leave quite a scar.

  10. I went to a church once where I wasn’t allowed to sit in the front row because “the men might be led astray”. Also the pastor father got up on the podium and singled me out calling me a whore and being indecent in church. In 2013. My skirt was 3 inches above the knee and my shirt showed no cleavage.

  11. “Stop splashing in the mud, Martha! We got a baby to protect!”

  12. You kinda just have to get used to it. After a while the sensation of one nostril being congested will not wake you up anymore. If it's drawing your attention and making it hard to fall asleep, use a white noise or sleep meditation. It will give you something else to focus on so that you can fall asleep. 

  13. Thank you. Definitely going to try the meditation. The nostril thing makes me feel like I’m suffocating when only one nostril is open which I think is why I end up ripping my mask off at night unfortunately. It does seem to take time getting used to it!

  14. I’m experiencing this after 3 weeks of use! It’s incredible.

  15. I recently got hearing aids last year! It’s quite amazing. I’m still adjusting to sounds. Wall clocks, rain pattering on the AC outside, wind in the trees, wind by itself, the fridge rattling, hearing my neighbors in the hall, birds!

  16. I love to snack on frozen fruit. Frozen grapes and a bowl of frozen berries with a little Splenda are my go-to snacks when I need something sweet but also because I used to chomp on ice a LOT.

  17. I heard chomping on ice can be due to anemia. Have you ever been checked? I mean, some people just really like to eat ice!

  18. This sounds like me! Nothing was ever done with it and I guess mine went away or my doctor doesn’t think it’s important to worry about lol

  19. And then if she got called out she’d cry about being bullied

  20. You mean write a song about crying about being bullied?

  21. Deadlifts are the best overall back exercise, working both the upper and lower back heavily. Most back issues not caused by a real injury (like a spinal fracture) can be solved by it, and even many injuries can be helped by it.

  22. Thank you! Will definitely see if I can do these in the gym with a trainer until I feel comfortable on my own.

  23. Fellow PT, I agree that exercise is 100% the way to go for protecting your back, but adding in that the biggest issue with posture is spending too much time in a static position. There’s nothing wrong with being in a certain posture, like sitting, for a little while- it just becomes a problem when you stay there for hours without taking a break or switching positions. Move around! Use a standing desk and switch positions! Take a break and walk around! Way more effective than any posture strap.

  24. Which strength exercises are good for the back? Specifically lower back and in between the shoulder blades?

  25. It’s too early in the morning and I thought you meant human joints and I was like, geez that’s morbid

  26. This was played at my schools homecoming dance when I was in 8th grade… yes I am still in disbelief this happened.

  27. The fact that this happened at Crocker Park has me laughing. I always thought it was a very rich person area.

  28. One of my favorite snacks my friend introduced me to in high school: can of tuna, mayo, Italian dressing, hot sauce, crackers

  29. My brain read the title too fast and I thought it read “prisoners of Azkaban were liberated” and I was like, oh no. (For those who don’t know, a fictional prison in Harry Potter)

  30. Yeeeaaah imma need you to pick up your shoes or you can stay outside. 🤷‍♀️

  31. I'm not like other moms. I'm not a mom

  32. I’m just curious where he goes in the morning for two hours? Like every morning? Does he have breakfast somewhere? I’m fascinated!

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