
  1. The other thing to think about is the online services and support that comes with the device. All the reviews you see focus only on the hardware itself, which is important but only part of the overall experience. A big reason I prefer kindle is for the online services: whispersync, remote management of content, regular updates. These are crucial which I don't think Kobo or other companies offer. Also being able to see your notebooks on the app is really handy. Sure, so much more they could add and hopefully they will.

  2. Such a good point, especially about remote management.

  3. Amazon moves at a glacier's pace. I do not expect them to produce a color Scribe within the next 4 years. Looking at grayscale e-ink tablets, the reMarkable was the first writeable e-ink Tablet and it was released in 2017. The Scribe was released in 2022.

  4. Thanks for your answer. I’ll check out the NxtPaper. I’ve avoided tablets in general. Was using my iPad but prefer the scribe because it has less weight and is so easy to use. You can read colour graphic novels on the Kindle app on the iPad but it’s not ideal.

  5. Mute only works for home and popular feeds, and not

  6. I’m not browsing /all. I’m using the popular feed on the mobile app. And you’re right - muting has worked for me for a lot of subs. The exception is

  7. I am not sure of anything to fix that with just one subreddit. If you are at your limit of 1000 mutd subreddits, that could be an issue. Otherwise I would suggest making a post on

  8. Thanks for the heads up. I’ll do that. (Pretty certain I’ve muted less than 50 subs)

  9. What a great article. I had no idea Buscemi was so empathetic - this is a show I will definitely watch. My admiration for the man, already pretty high, has gone up even further after reading about his project.

  10. “It’s got hash in em Barney. From the way that I feel”

  11. Our only clue that Harris was experienced with drugs if not an outright pothead.

  12. Barney Miller was an early evening re-run when I was a kid. It's amazing what they did with like 3 sets. "A play every week."

  13. The main office and Barney’s office are the only two regular sets I can recall. What was the third, do you remember?

  14. unless im waiting for a specific email from an employer or something like that i just dont check at all🤷‍♂️

  15. Saw my son’s iPhone the other day. He has thousands of unread emails too.

  16. I think I’m a psychopath for spending so much time deleting emails but it drives me crazy having so many emails. What if one is important???

  17. I’m with you on this. There’s an endemic sort of knee-jerk need to check off each box so no notifications in red show up. It’s ridiculous really.

  18. I have no idea where you came up with this idea, OP. I mean those two haven’t had a good nap with each other now have they?

  19. Yes, for example Mike probably would have stayed a lawyer. Mermen have trouble with the foot pedals on a piano.

  20. It’s never late to learn your ABCs

  21. As obnoxious and annoying as Maher often is, I applaud his attempts to find ways to reach across the great political divide. This increasing hatred has such horrific potential consequences. Check out the movie “Civil War”. It’s fantasy but the building blocks to make it a reality are there.

  22. Not about politics. The point was about hatred. And maybe the dearth of nuance - which the downvotes are proving.

  23. I sat through this movie, painfully aware of the seeds of destruction already planted in American soil. Everything there is ripe: fanaticism is getting worse and gun ownership - a pillar of the American psyche AND law - makes it dead easy to fulfill the seeming prophecy of the movie.

  24. 11 years since the show was good, he should have stayed with faith…

  25. Totally agree with you here. Unlike Karen, Faith was up for anything and was adventurous and wasn’t constantly examining and re-examining Hank over every little thing. I liked her a lot and felt the series could have ended at the end of season 6 (only Hank never left the bus). She was a kindred spirit to him in every way.

  26. The feedback will usually result in the person saying there was a lack of connection. Most don’t really want to give honest feedback as it may be upsetting or it can be seen as something irrelevant: they weren’t feeling it, so best to move on.

  27. I had a date ask me for feedback once after the one dinner date we had. I just told her I didn’t feel the chemistry. And it was true; I didn’t.

  28. Oh, that gate's not going to hold her for much longer!

  29. Yup. She’s a determined little thing. Just a matter of time before she makes it over.

  30. If I didn’t know this was Hossenpfeffer, I’d swear it was carrot

  31. I abused the shit out of weed and for me it was definitely a combo of classic psychological addiction and the fact that weed just turns everything off, or at least down. I didn't even find weed fun anymore by the time I was abusing it, I very often struggled to feel high (like people were freaked out by my tolerance). But it did reliably blunt (lol) existence. Instead of sitting there paralyzed in anxiety about what I should be doing instead of sitting there, I could just comfortably sat doing nothing. It didn't help me with day to day anxiety - I was still socially avoidant, if anything I had more panic attacks high than I did sober. But similar to alcohol it kind of just made my brain shrug and stop trying if I wasn't putting my foot on the petal. Fucked up on substances is reliably the only time I can turn off my internal monologue.  

  32. I’m in the same boat. And with the weed addiction came addiction to chocolate and chips, cookies, you name it. Being able to shut everything down and stop worrying about everything was so nice. It mornings were the worst and it took me quite a while to stop feeling drowsy for most of the morning.

  33. Hear the one about the pope and Raquel Welch in a lifeboat?

  34. Link anyone? I trust the realness of this cigarette when it comes from bazooka joe

  35. she’ll serve half that with good behavior.

  36. I don’t think so. According to the article the judge found a way to ensure she serves all 18 months by designating her as a violent offender.

  37. 6' is nothing for a cat to jump over. While they may be content to stay inside your yard, it is definitely not too high for them to get over.

  38. Yup. That was my first thought too. That’s not a barrier. That’s a challenge.

  39. Makes me wonder if his name is so used and seen in news and protest posts that some algorithm somewhere picked up on it such that now Douglas fir autocorrects to his name.

  40. I just wish he'd have done Kill Bill Vol 3 before he was done. He talked about it for years, Maya Hawke and Uma Thurman would be great in it.

  41. Do you recall what his plan was for that movie? Was he going to make it a prequel or something - given that Bill is now dead?

  42. Keep talking to people if you can. Preferably non-judgemental people who will simply just let you talk without offering opinion or advice. You need to get this out.

  43. Better digestion when I eat alone. Don’t have to be concerned about keeping up with conversations. It’s a mental health people-pleasing thing I’ve been trying to get rid of for quite a while.

  44. From your description your relationship doesn’t seem healthy at all.

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