
  1. No, please don't! Teach them the way. Tell the kids that you are picking out gifts for a child that needs them. Have them help pick out a few things and a book or game for each other.

  2. I love this idea! Don't know how I'd coordinate with living away, but I know there's something similar in my hometown/ where they live. I'll figure that out for next year!

  3. I'm sorry but I can't get past the fact that you're not close to them at all but you share an Amazon account? Doesn't make sense. And even if that was so, why would you be explaining who you bought it for to someone you're not close with? And even the, why would you care and let them pester you about it - if you're not close?

  4. I guess I'm just comparing my family to others I grew up around, and feel like I'm not that aunt that goes to your ball games, recitals, etc. I do face time them every two or three months while catching up with my sister. They don't talk for long, because they're kids, but seem engaged. So maybe "not super close" is a bit of an exaggeration on my part.

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