
  1. I found it! Im 80% sure its a Cherax Quadricarinatus! especially from the second pic. The face shape is a dead give away

  2. I'm no expert at crayfish identification, but is this not in the family Cambaridae? Definitely not Cherax quadricarinatus.

  3. There's little stubs of roots, I think, so obviously it's not root rot. Completely healthy root system there.

  4. Is it just me or does this cactus look like a furby?

  5. "It's funny how spindly and ugly this cactus is. It only started growing this way after I bought it, but I'm sure it's normal and healthy, and this drastic change has nothing to do with inadequate conditions. What a silly plant!"

  6. The person who wrote this confused philodendrons with a plant from their home planet.

  7. I'm getting the impression that you don't think Amorphophallus is a dope AF genus, which I find rather strange and incorrect. The horrific stench is part of what makes them incredible.

  8. Bro not only are they dope as hell genus but like imagine only being able to reproduce via Cetoniidae, Nitidulidae, Scarabaeidae?!

  9. LOL. I don't have my own, but I would totally have one bloom in my house for shiggles 🥴

  10. I don't understand the use of qualitative words in polls.... "substantial"

  11. Enough to interfere with your functioning/wellbeing is how I interpret it.

  12. Why the heck does the entire species lack the ability to flower? Like, why was natural selection OK with that??? I guess since they're native to one island, genetic diversity and long distance dispersal are less advantageous? This has been bothering me.

  13. I still think Epipremnum aureum is a “fake” plant and just a mutation of Epipremnum pinnatum. The natural ranges overlap. It’s just too weird of a plant.

  14. I wonder if the diseased look makes them less appealing to herbivores. Also it's weird how they have so much vigor compared to other variegated plants. And as far as I know, the jade cultivar isn't faster growing or larger? Very freaky plant.

  15. Of course, because plants totally didn't evolve to tolerate having chunks of them bitten off by animals all the time. How would you expect them to survive your snippers? You could give them tetanus.

  16. Sodies got electrolytes. It's got what plants crave. Duh 🙄

  17. To be fair, those directions are usually wrong. Some company literally tells you to water tropical orchids with ice cubes so that they die and you buy a new one

  18. Another example is high light succulents that very much look like something that is adapted to intense light, getting labeled as medium/low light.

  19. So you basically have to clone the plant to have one outside and one inside.

  20. Why haven't I thought of this trick before? Just put a quantum entangled clone of your houseplant outside so the one inside gets plenty of light too! So simple!

  21. I have both an internal monologue and visual thinking. Depends on what I'm thinking about, like another commenter said. For example, it's mostly monologue for introspective thoughts and planning things that I'm going to say, but mostly images for an action I'm planning on doing.

  22. Anton Petrov. He does videos on interesting scientific discoveries, mostly space.

  23. I wonder this about my ADHD and if I'm just getting addicted to legal speed..

  24. Yup. "What if I'm trying to treat the wrong condition?" proceeds to act like a maniac at night when my Vyvanse wears off

  25. I just made this post to make fun of myself for having thoughts of doubt and then remembering how obviously autistic some of my traits are. Just a silly post, I wasn't thinking that deeply about it. I appreciate the thoughtful reply though.

  26. fish with feet because taxonomically speaking i am already a fish with feet B)

  27. I was thinking the exact same thing lol

  28. I like eggs whether they're barely cooked or very cooked. I'm one of the freaks who will eat pretty much anything.

  29. If you're not someone who hates canned fish, that's a good option. I often start my day with a can of herring/sardines/mackerel. Good and good for you. Quality protein and omega 3 fatty acids. Yes, I know I'm a freak.

  30. If anything is eating the soil, it's the bacteria and fungi, not the plant itself. The plant will absorb the nutrients from the soil the bacteria are breaking down or 'eating'.

  31. Ditto. The soil actually does slowly decrease in mass since a large part if it is organic matter that microbes will metabolize into carbon dioxide and water.

  32. It sometimes triggers accusations of "mansplaining", but is that term gender neutral or is there a female equivalent term for women? Assuming women have these traits too.

  33. I think the term "mansplaining" just applies to men who think they know better because they're misogynistic. When it's not in that context, the word to use would be arrogance, I guess. But of course, when we overexplain things it's usually not out of arrogance. When I do it I'm probably visibly anxious.

  34. Ok so "mansplaining" is misogynistic but just overexplaining without misogyny is not mansplaining? Would that be correct?

  35. Yeah, mansplaining is a man being condescending towards a woman.

  36. no I'm gonna misspell it my own way

  37. I don't like your tone either. You need to take a sip of nem oil and sit in the corner and etiolate on your feelings before you talk to me 😒

  38. Oh I've been etiolating for a while already.

  39. I have wondered if it is always two genetically separate disorders, or if autism genetics sometimes produce ADHD characteristics. I.e., does AuDHD include the same genetic differences as regular ADHD?

  40. Caffeine and MPH have a very weak effect on my concentration and motivation too. The mechanism of caffeine is very different from MPH though. MPH directly inhibits the reuptake of dopamine and norepinephrine so it stays in the synapses longer. Caffeine blocks the inhibitory neuromodulator adenosine, which indirectly results in more N and D signaling. I'm not sure whether or not there's a link between caffeine and MPH not working.

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