
  1. I've been hearing about Lemmy. It doesn't have many people right now, but hopefully a bunch go during the blackout.

  2. I got the Jerboa app for Lemmy. It looks good, but I haven't poked around much yet.

  3. Lol I love the contradiction of "Trump is innocent!" with the action of quitting the instant you see the indictment in one of the most high profile cases in America that if you won would make you a hero of the right for all eternity.

  4. Or it's a stalling tactic so he can be given time to find a new defense team.

  5. Why did your disingenuous words here not fix your problems with users and mods?

  6. Can’t have weaker orgasms if you are too busy pressing a button to have any orgasms at all.

  7. This could be how I quit masturbating!

  8. I would gladly pay for Bacon Reader on a subscription basis. I never felt it was fair to only pay once for an app that requires ongoing updates. Now you can turn this into a real business. It would be for the best for everyone!

  9. No it’s not an assumption, everything about the dog’s body language screams that it’s terrified. It doesn’t even mean that the owner is an asshole — many people think that a wagging tail means the dog is happy, so he could be making an entirely innocent mistake in misreading his dog.

  10. Exactly. Plus the dog is never looking away from the man. Not at ease at all. Blows my mind that all the dog experts in the comments think this little guy is happy.

  11. Adorable but fuck having cat claws all over my TV 😳

  12. After multiple cat attacks on multiple TVs I've never encountered a scratch. YMMV

  13. Who is buying this much diy soap to keep all these people afloat? There's so much

  14. I remember as a kid, where I live they would allow people to just visit an area of the airport from where they could see the runway and flights take off - they didn’t have to pay anything for it - people would spend hours just looking at flights take off and land ❤️

  15. Jacksonville airport has this too

  16. Have you fed it by hand? I used to love putting peanuts on my shoulders, having the chipmunks crawl up my sleeves. All that. Beautiful pics and a photogenic friend you have there!

  17. The question is though, what size? The cantilever ones will just hang down right in front of my chairs when not extended.

  18. I have an 11 foot one from HDepot. Mine came with a nice plastic base that I just needed to fill with sand and water. Bonus: solar LED lights with battery and electric backup. I did add a cover from Amazon so it would be protected when not in use. I enjoy it greatly. Helps define the space. Plus shade.

  19. In the first pic, I'm impressed with the expansive area without any support columns for a huge distance.

  20. I miss the pit group seating in old school malls!

  21. The very un-dead, upscale Mall at Millennia in Orlando has some nice group seating areas. They're not in a pit, though.

  22. Out of curiosity. Can you tell me about a shit topic that they gave major coverage to?

  23. Another commenter said they heavily report on porn stuff.

  24. This comments section is extra bootlicky today.

  25. And also, I'll comment this on any post complaining about how much money writers make: even if they're making a lot of money.... Why do you care? (the royal you). It's not coming out of your taxes. Netflix isn't suddenly gonna start paying teachers or something. The only people who MIGHT lose a LITTLE money are the ones who are already making 200 million a year for doing nothing. So unless you're one of those guys, you shouldn't really give a shit if the writers want to get paid more.

  26. Executives won't give up profit margins. If they have to pay an extra million for a show, they'll charge more. Then streamers will be able to afford less. Shows with expensive residuals will be pulled. That's why people care but they shouldn't worry. Soon we'll all be able to write our own riveting entertainment with AI help. Hooray!

  27. Imagine helping to buildi a toll bridge. You get no residuals even though it generates cash for decades. I could go on with examples but writers can strike, good on them. They're doing a job they love and they could be replaced by other people easily. The only way they'll be worth paying more is by striking, so good luck.

  28. I like to imagine the Robot with nearly infinite cloud memory storage doesn't in any way need to take physical notes but does so anyway because humans expect a psychologist to do so.

  29. You're missing the part where you expect him to turn this into a HS Science Experiment.

  30. They cut the fucking top off, weighed shit, took pics, posted to Reddit. It takes almost no extra effort to plop the excess in a measuring cup or use a tablespoon. We're not asking for exact measurements.

  31. Once the pump works, you need to think of all products in containers like ketchup bottles. Remove the pump and flip it and hit the open end in the middle of the palm

  32. Life pro tip, use an empty, cleaned, upside-down style ketchup bottle for your lotions etc so you can get every ounce out.

  33. I always found it strange that a nation which supposedly maintains a separation between church and state, chooses to print 'in god we trust' on its money.

  34. And on police cars, ambulances, fire trucks. At least in many southern jurisdictions.

  35. How is it indoctrination? You didn’t have to do it, many choose not to do it even during middle school and highschool. How is that indoctrination? If it was, you'd see it happening in middle school and highschool more often. The only people who did it when I was in highschool was me and my friend, in fact, it felt embarrassing to do it since no one else was doing it.

  36. I don't recall being offered a choice. This was in the late 70s. I'm glad it's optional now.

  37. What states still permit smoking in bars, I am asking as I do not know.

  38. Florida allows smoking in bars and night clubs that have a liquor license and sales of less than 10% food. This refers to a "real" liquor license, which is relatively rare. Most restaurants have a license to serve liquor but it must be under 10% of revenue.

  39. Is it safe to feed cats seafood like this? I heard about urinary tract/kidney etc issues with seafood?

  40. Hopefully not bad as a treat since Hartz has a Delectibles Lickable Treat with Tuna and Shrimp stew in the pouch.

  41. I am literally looking at that package now, and that's why I asked the question because Hartz had NON-SEAFOOD with big letters, I picked up the box next to it, did not realize the one I got was seafood variety that's why I wanted to know. I feed my kitten (now 1 year old) Core Kitten as her main dry food, he does not eat moist food anymore, only soups/treats. I give him chicken broth soups but what he loves is Hartz followed by Friskies Little Soups. I checked the ingredients, it's pretty simple with exception of tapioca.

  42. I mix the same as you since I've heard that kibble has more complete nutrition that broths. Hope we have healthy cats!

  43. That expression looks more sad than angry to me.

  44. I knew how my erection worked from day one, long before I remember cartoons

  45. What a disappointing post. Mildly interesting my big booty! Here's something mildly interesting: this post is a poopy! And a fart head! Give us minutes on the sign. PS: I'm just yeeting crap. Carry on.

  46. Their main marketing angle was that they had toasted subs. Subway added toasters. They also slammed Subway in their ads and I don't think people hated Subway so it came across as mean. That's just the failure on the customer front.

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