
  1. Plenty of republicans have proven that you can have the IQ of a rat, and you can be a person in Congress, even the president.

  2. I should have said cockroaches, or maybe even go as far to say bacteria

  3. That sucks. We didn't even get to see a horse made into a senator.

  4. Well, at least you've seen plenty of jack-asses turned into governor ls and senators

  5. Hij is niet rechts, hij is extreem rechts. Lmao

  6. No no no. That was clearly Hillary Clinton. For... Reasons?

  7. No no, she wasn't working at that time, obliviously it was Nancy Pelosi. And of course some how some way Obama was involved.

  8. I swear if aliens were to invade earth, I really hope they land in the us. At least that way they'll find no sign of intelligent life and leave us all alone.

  9. They'll also realise we are not evolved enough yet, still believing in myths and being so superstitious, like believing in God's, or good luck charms, astrology, etc. I don't think that looks very good to other civilizations that are advanced enough to travel that far. Just like anti-vaxers, flat earth society, etc etc.

  10. I'm pretty sure they can support Irish people, but you're an American, not an Irish person. You said it yourself, born in New York. As another European I say, you go back to your home country.

  11. My mamma always said: "stupid is as stupid does."

  12. So his thought process: "everyone that sounds like me doesn't have an accent, but everyone that sounds different does." I bet ya all the other people think the same, no matter where they are from, most people just realize that their accent sounds so familiar it sounds neutral. IF there would be a "neutral" English, it would be in the country where the language originated from, definitely not the country where dozens of countries came together and learned that new language, with all different accents, that melted into a new version of that language.

  13. It's not even possible to have a neutral accent in the country a language originated, because languages all influence one another and some regions are more influenced by certain languages than others.

  14. Exactly my point., no matter where it originated or where it is spoken eventually, they are all different versions of the same language that just sound a little different than somewhere else, so even saying that the accent where it came from is the original one or the neutral one doesn't make sense, because that place will have different versions of it as well. So saying that the place where it eventually ended up is the neutral one is even dumber.

  15. How the fuck do you see these videos and conclude that its "just playing around"? Makes you wonder if the perps are friends or family of the sheriff.

  16. Mist definitely a very believable situation.

  17. I smoke American Spirits which are... "healthier" I guess, not as much processing; still, increasing amounts of blood in my snot and cough tells me if I do not quit I am living on borrowed time.

  18. Really? Blood? Normally I would say you should see a doctor before it's too late, but since you live in the USA, I don't want you to go into debt on my advice.

  19. It means nothing. The fact he uses Czechoslovakian tells you he has no clue what he is.

  20. I know what he really is American.

  21. Or perhaps, Europeans have no need to compensate for their penile inadequacy. Food for thought.

  22. Some people, like me, call them "ego boosters". They're practically a big sign driving around that says: "I hope you think I'm cool now"

  23. "I will prove the Earth is flat!" proves the Earth is Round. "I need to take some time... For soul healing..." Deletes Social Media.

  24. Or maybe, he needs to think of a reason why the earth "appeared" to be round. So he's doing "research"....on youtube of course.

  25. Lmao, when will they learn, you can't prove that which is not true.

  26. I just keep wondering why those morons, like these guys, keep thinking they pay anything for Europe, they don't, not a dime, for anything.

  27. Why do they always attack Europe and never Asia, Oceania, Africa or the rest of the Americas?

  28. The one thing astrologers of old knew to do - interpret the movement of the heavenly bodies - and she's surprised by an easily predictable astronomical event.

  29. It's because she is an astrologer, not an astronomer. And also a reiki master, so that proves she believes in things that are impossible.

  30. Southern Hospitality, the Southern gentleman, were both inventions to make the South more palatable.

  31. I think you meant myths, not inventions.

  32. Why did you post a link to a butt hole with eyes?

  33. Alleen als je een rechtse propaganda journalist ben je in hun ogen niet "woke"

  34. I will respect soon as their fairy tale story book says to respect all atheist views, until then I will stay without respect for those indoctrinated BS views.

  35. Assuming this isn't a troll, I'm willing to bet that person also believes Rushmore occurred naturally.

  36. Of course, it was made by God to prove that he supports that country and it's supposed to be a Christian nation, or something like that nonsense.

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