
  1. I think we should definitely recognise it as a dialect. If there's enough political will for it to be a language in its own right that can come later.

  2. Actual linguists say that there is no difference between dialects and language - check out  

  3. Yep a language is just a dialect with an army

  4. Germany just legalized and USA is preparing federal legislation to legalize.

  5. Go and look up how they closing down on THC-A Texas has made it illegal and Canada is doing the same. CBD, CGB all of those are fine but THC-A is being made illegal again

  6. Texas is making everything illegal tbf.

  7. Sorry one more question, what are the rental amounts like? For a decent 2 bedroom apartment?

  8. My 2 bed in a complex in Ballito is 11k

  9. Uber is available and reliable. Rents will vary depending on where you are specifically.

  10. I moved abroad after matric, studied abroad and then got remote jobs as a software engineer whilst abroad.

  11. What kind of Software Engineering do you do? What programming language do you use?

  12. I like to work with data intensive projects, and I'm really interested in databases. I currently work on the backend of a social network I just helped build and launch. I primarily use Go for web services and terraform for IaC. Sometimes Python and JavaScript for things in their niches.

  13. Gute Nachrichten, hoffentlich geht es weiter so!

  14. Operating systems and their security are a major area of research?

  15. This post is specifically about the security implemented in a particular OS. Nothing about that is computer science.

  16. I don't think your conception of computer science is a particularly useful one then. Comes across more like gatekeeping?

  17. I feel like all builds end up as sneak archer in the end. Perhaps I'm just not a very creative Skyrim player

  18. As long as they're rich and from the west. If you're Zimbabwean, Malawian, Zambian or Mozambican your mileage may vary.

  19. Modern equivalent of smash the looms

  20. Eish, sorry guys - that's the damn link the Reddit app generated itself. Systems down I suppose?

  21. Is the salary that they paid you, whilst living in Germany, the same (if not more) after moving to SA or did they adjust your salary due to our weaker currency?

  22. I asked them to keep it the same and that it be denominated in Euros. So it's the same Euro amount I was earning in Germany but subject to different taxes of course.

  23. Ja kinda the best of both worlds really!

  24. My English friends keep spouting rumours about Musiala leaving us for the Prem, any substance to this or is it just the English media doing it's thing?

  25. I moved to Germany two years ago and for me personally I found that the grass is not greener on the other side. If I could have my way, I'd move back. South Africa has a lot of things that you don't realise you should be thankful for until you've left, I would try to focus on those things :)

  26. Just moved back from Germany after 9 years there!

  27. I envy you! I have some things to wrap up here (a PhD, and getting a nicer passport), but I will be back too in a few years

  28. Returning with a PhD and a new passport is definitely worth the wait

  29. Absolutely, but to be honest this is a common theme in democracies like ours.

  30. Funny name lol, but it's a Latin term for with/without

  31. Well on tiktok her tagline is:

  32. Maintaining a truly neutral political stance is very challenging, though. Neutrality in itself can be a subjective expectation.

  33. It's not exactly what you asked but another avenue that's open to you is studying further abroad.

  34. hello I might be considering a European option

  35. Feel free to ask me any questions via DM!

  36. He said the deployment itself is appropriate, but our military isn't good enough to pull it off. Hence the comment about not being able to defend cabbages

  37. I am not sure where to start with that. Can you point me in the right direction?

  38. Shopify would be a good place to start, can be a bit pricey but is easy to set up and has integrations for online payments and all that out of the box:

  39. Not everyone is eligible to vote

  40. In which sense? They are still getting people 16 up to register, even if they aren't yet eligible

  41. The person I replied to wanted to know what portion of 70 million had registered.

  42. I disagree. They might have some overlap but their core ideas are slightly different.

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