
  1. Yeah my 2080s maxes out 99% of games at 1440p

  2. I was riding a 980 til January of 2021. Surprisingly beefy lil card.

  3. Elva Rouse park, it's kind of a communal space. Lots of people doing art or whatever they do but more than enough space to be in your own world.

  4. I looted the entire world on a hardcore save and in 3 months I never found a sledgehammer. Looted all warehouses and garages in major cities and most farms... It's insane. I eventually quit because I was living inside West point with intact stairs and a working gas station, did all the hard parts and realized I was only playing to find a sledgehammer...

  5. If you hate Gabi you hate Eren but the show fed you propaganda and personal connection.

  6. Think that makes sense, I felt that was kinda implied. The owl wouldn't have had Eren's memories or mentioned Mikasa and Armin unless Eren had influenced him in some way. Not sure what other reason Eren would have to do that other than to change the course of history.

  7. Nah you're looking too far into this(pun intended). the real reason is that the attack titan has the power to look into the future.

  8. Thought it could send selective memories back. Definitely could be wrong. I've been wrong before and surely will do it again.

  9. Oh you’re the deli guy. Yes your frozen chopped chicken tenders thrown onto bread is gross. No amount of sauce you thrown onto it will change that.

  10. I think this is the first failed blunder years I've seen. Sorry dude shits sick, try better next time.

  11. Crazy, a girl drove into incoming traffic and killed my brother. Didn't even get a ticket... Crazy how much optics has to do with "justice".

  12. Wdym a real one? Were you talking to a voodoo doctor previously?

  13. Reddit "doctors" are diagnosing them, probably mean that

  14. Go wood glue and nail it to shit they're building.

  15. Marley was the strongest military power (they defeated mid eastern allied forces in S04 E01 after a 4 year war).

  16. Naw, my opinion is they'd band together and try to go ham. That's basically how WW2 started, obviously not the rumbling but genocide from a world power spurred intervention. Plus they'd feel like their survival was at stake more than likely since Eldians oppressed the world for a long time.

  17. Area around 46th and 46th is nice, sounds like you'll be near there. Nice Greenway to walk on, park connected to it, quiet neighborhood with a lot of dead ends so less traffic.

  18. I hope she was, too. A lot of people get off from these types of situations.

  19. My brother was killed in an accident where the girl was going the wrong way briefly to turn into a business that didn't line up with the left turn lane. She didn't even get a ticket.

  20. Plus it's not foreshadowing more than seeing some of the Titans that killed Miche at the tower later.

  21. Cat council son, they're assembled when there needs to be order in a cat rich environment.

  22. Have body and need reasonable health insurance for the privilege to try to get healthy.

  23. No, just swept assault under the rug because the guy is “some marketing genius”

  24. To be fair they might not have known that before I threw out the info.

  25. It’s just an odd assumption to assume someone who’s well known for being a dick (especially in a town where many people work in the service industry) is a marketing genius and not actually just a dick

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