
  1. Just relistened to the Columbine series and realized how far away we are now from the vibe of the original vision. The vibe, flow, and mostly fun in the show reminded me of why I was a fan for so long.

  2. He had some weird justification for it - something about because he’s learning Spanish and that’s how it’s supposed to sound in Spanish. Make sense of that one.

  3. The fact that people are upset because they don't have an opportunity to give Gun more money is interesting

  4. On its face, theres nothing offensive necessarily but some circles will say it with snark or use it as a pejorative.

  5. If you’re easily offended and/or have a tendency to look for things that are regarded as “problematic” in todays lenses, this isn’t the show for you.

  6. It’s not a matter of being ‘offended’, I even think the way they treated Kissel was stupid. The quality was trash. I skipped to around episode 100 and it does get better

  7. “Jackie Z yelling RAPE for no reason 6 or 7 times per episode. Holden screeching non stop. Impersonating disabled people non stop for 15 minutes. No format at all. Everyone trying to say something more edgy than the last person. Cringe after cringe political opinions. I can deal with offensive humour if it is funny but damn is it not funny.”

  8. Quite a bit of speculation going on, someone is bound to be right. 

  9. Even with Ben, the show has lost a step in recent years. I’m sure there’s plenty of other factors but you can hear the burn out in their voices some weeks.

  10. Marcus has been insufferable lately. I couldn’t figure out why I haven’t been enjoying the show much at all the past couple months and realized I can’t stand Marcus anymore. The holier than thou attitude has been out of control. Maybe that’s what he’s always like behind the scenes but it’s been rough as a listener.

  11. I really hope you guys aren’t dumb enough to still be giving Gun money after all this

  12. Hi hi - we left the game broken after the last update but buy our overpriced skins plz

  13. Marcus condescendingly calling Red Dead 2 a “wildly overrated game” after Ben implied that all you do is hammer in fence posts and build houses for hours on end. It’s not a game for everyone, but I’d have thought for sure that Marcus would have at least appreciated the level of detail in the game enough to put a little bit of respect on the name. Especially when it comes to the wildlife and environmental stuff, shit’s objectively pretty impressive even if you don’t enjoy the slower pace of the gameplay or whatever. This is a man who enjoys reading wagon manifests for fuck’s sake.

  14. Its an extremely impressive game that holds up really well. Weird take from them.

  15. 100%. They were also judging the decisions of people living in that moment as though they had all the information about what was happening contemporaneously that we have access to now.

  16. Bingo. Presentist mindset is incredibly short sighted when taking on historical topics.

  17. I never was a fan of hers. The idea of The Joker caring about anyone, let alone a girlfriend, is stupid.

  18. To be a boy…you need to have, for the lack of a better term, a certain kind of lulz factor

  19. Can’t wait for Jericho to chime in on this and make it about himself

  20. Pricing is absurd. I’ll keep an open mind when I see it in person but it’s going to need to be a grand slam.

  21. I just can’t give topics like these attention. It’s too stupid. I would’ve skipped these even if this was pre 2016 Henry on it. 

  22. He was certainly up there but Jeff was popular since at least early 2000. He shot himself in the foot by leaving in ‘09 and you know, the drugs stuff. 

  23. You're charging for these on top of charging $10 for the character? Incredible.

  24. This is the most LPOTL joke there is to offer. I don’t understand how the response isn’t bigger.

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