
  1. Ehi Scatamarano non leggo più notizie riguardo a tua madre, ma è ancora viva?

  2. Ciao, si. Spreco tempo a rispondere a questa demenza e a farmi downvotare dai droni di Reddit per spiegarti la differenza. Io, tuo collega col quale parlo e interagisco giornalmente da anni, inizio a raccontarti dei fatti miei, in particolare del fantastico rapporto che ho instaurato con questa persona che ho da poco conosciuto facendo un'attività sportiva fuori dal lavoro. Ti scasso le palle sulle cose che faccio con questo amico, diciamo Pietro, per un buon 6 mesi e poi smetto di citarlo nei nostri discorsi. Tu prima non ci fai molto caso, ma poi ti viene da chiederti "oh ma Pietro lo vede ancora? Ha smesso di fare quello sport?" e così, per fare quattro chiacchere, mi chiedi "Scatamarano, ma Pietro è ancora vivo?" con l'ovvio sottointeso di siete ancora amici/fai ancora quello sport, insomma, si chiede per fare conversazione come fanno tutti i normali esseri umani annoiati in ufficio. Ecco, io ti rispondo autisticamente, senza capire l'ovvio sottointeso: "ma ti sembra il caso di scherzare sulla vita di Pietro, il mio grandissimo amico?! Certo che siamo ancora amici!" per poi attaccarti un pippone imbarazzante di 60 minuti. Ecco, tra i due, il disagiato sei tu che volevi fare due parole o io che ho risposto in quel modo?

  3. Ma quanto sei carino, neghi l'ovvio, come se fosse normale chiederti se tua madre fosse ancora viva perché non parli di lei, è il soggetto della frase che fa cambiare radicalmente il discorso. Un amico? Ci può stare. Un figlio? Sì, vai da un tuo amico e chiedigli se il figlio è ancora vivo. Il proprio cane? Domanda strana ed inopportuna, il buonsenso ti consiglia sempre di non fare questo tipo di domande quando la risposta è incerta. Ma io ti capisco, devi fare l'edgy simpatico, io me ne fregherei di una domanda del genere ma sono un bambino grande e sono in grado di riconoscere che è inopportuno e può dare fastidio.

  4. Vabbè ciaone, da "bambino grande" dovresti capire quello che intendi ignorare, seppure l'abbia scritto ben due volte, ovvero che "X è ancora vivo?" non è in senso letterale ma astratto, intendendo "che fine ha fatto?". Non sprecare tempo a rispondere.

  5. I don’t think it is nearly as unambiguous as you think. The FAQ clearly says that riders “can choose” to use the better armor value. Why doesn’t it say must? Why didn’t GW add another FAQ that says “riders can’t buy or use any armor that has a lower armour value than that of their mount?” Either of those would have clarified it much better.

  6. You are reading the FAQ wrong, i hope purposefully, because it clearly states "When this model makes an Armour Save roll, it may use either the mount or the character’s armour value, WHICHEVER IS BETTER". It's obvious meaning is "this model has 2 armour values, the monster's and the character's, you may use both depending on wich one is the better". I really, really, can't see how this is not clear enough unless i want to be facetious.

  7. We’ll certainly see whenever the next FAQ drops. I wholly recognize that your interpretation may be correct. It would certainly wayyyy weaken dragons and ridden monsters, which may be exactly what the game needs for balance.

  8. Most people already played it the right way, so even despite this "nerf", wich was already in place for most, ridden monster will be strong as usual. The "problem" with ridden monsters, if we want to find one, is not the armour but the easy access to ward and regen they get from the rider.

  9. “It” is generally used to reference non-humans (animals, objects, companies/businesses).

  10. Yeah that for sure, but in terms of "neutrality" there is not that much of a difference. It does sounds weirder than they for the reasons you said tho.

  11. I mean, he is not wrong, make-up IS a lie. Thing is, it's an obvious lie, everyone knows and can see women wear make-up. It's even in the damn name! To make-up/pretend, how can it be more straightforward than this?

  12. Nah, il kebab è uno di quei piatti che anche quando è fatto male è buono lo stesso, come la pizza, e oggettivamente è più difficile fare un kebab sbagliato. Il mega pezzo di carne o è importato direttamente dal medio oriente o dalla Germania, in ogni caso non ho mai notato estreme differenze di gusto della carne dai vari kebabbari che ho provato, ma c'è da dire che ho esperienze limitate alla mia zona e alcuni sembravano avere comunque carne con una marcia in più. Per me quello che fa veramente la differenza è tutto il resto: qualità del pane/piadina, speziatura e qualità delle salse e, ovviamente, verdure con un gusto chiaro e che non sappiano di cartone. Ultimo ma non ultimo, saperlo costruire bene, mettendo tutti gli ingredienti su tutta la lunghezza e con le proporzioni giuste, in modo che mantenga l'integrità strutturale e non perda pezzi da tutte le parti dopo il primo morso.

  13. Ti sembra "buono" anche se fatto male perché non ne hai mai provato uno davvero buono. È come gli americani a cui piace Domino's o Papa Johns, è solo perché sono abituati allo schifo

  14. Può essere, perchè come dicevo ho sempre mangiato i kebab della mia zona e non mi sono mai interessato particolarmente alla cosa, il kebab per me è sempre stato uno street food da tarda serata o quando non avevo voglia di pizza. Come il sushi sono sicuro non sia buono come quello che si trova nei paesi d'origine, ma sinceramente non ho mai mangiato un kebab che mi abbia fatto pensare "questa cosa fa schifo, si sente che gli ingredienti sono pessimi o cotti male".

  15. This would be borderline acceptable if she just planned to dress manlier, cut her hair and changed pronouns while still living your usual life, but phisically transitioning is on a whole other level and pretty much forcing you to "become gay". Not to mention you are right about the "talk" with your daughter, it should have happened with you present and in very light tones. Don't fall for the trap, she is turning your lives upside down because of her personal choiches and asking you to be ok with it. Proceed with the divorce and hope she will not poison your relationship with your daughter.

  16. This people can't balance the game, plain and simple. It is unbelievable that after 10 sets and years of "experience" they still manage to fuck up EVERY. SINGLE. TIME by having 2 disgustingly OP comps, some playable and the rest automatic bot 4s unless rerolled out of your minds. Absolute crap. Playing best board hasn't worked in like 3-4 sets, it's always just chase the RNG train and pray. Total incompetence.

  17. Maybe the problem is your team. Gnar really needs warden or else he is not going to survive long enough to scale. Whenever I tried to play Gnar without the warden trait active than he is not crazy but when I play Gnar with the warden trait active than he is the crazy monster that everyone is annoyed about.

  18. Might have been just that, i didn't have warden 2 in favour of heavenly, but maybe i should have ditched 1 heavenly for that.

  19. Mi pare di capire tu sia/fossi preso male con questa tipa che, sostanzialmente, o ti ha già rifiutato in passato o non ti calcola di striscio, in pratica tu vorresti ma lei no e la situazione non può cambiare (correggimi se ho capito male). A quel punto non dico ti abbia fatto un favore, ma se tu non hai alcuna possibilità, tanto vale se la faccia lui a tempo perso senza mettercisi effettivamente insieme. Ovviamente tu rosichi perchè comunque ti ha raccontato una balla e ha avuto successo dove tu hai fallito e sofferto, ma a 19 anni rifiutare una scopata non è la stessa cosa che in età più avanzata e con la testa, si spera, più a posto.

  20. Ask the neutral player in private if he thinks that mistake made a difference. If it did and you feel like giving a fair treatment to the WE player, declare the game was a draw AFTER asking the WE player if he wants to porceed (i doubt if it was a casual tournament, but who knows?). Knowing the base stats of your minis, at least those in your tournament list, should be the bare minimum after knowing the basic rule of the game, it's not really something you can "mess up" like weird interactions or unique special rules.

  21. Pure NG is hard, mostly NG with black orcs is meta curbstomp, no way in between! Jokes aside, the name of the game is fanatics, they are a little too broken and/or a little too numerous, paired with the massive LD buff of a BLorc general on a wyvern to quell animosity, wich is also a dragon level threat, they are just too Gucci to pass on.

  22. We have excellent senses overall, not to mention any fit human that lives in the wild will be able to jog for a VERY long time and distance. It's not uncommon, after a month of training, for an average human to be able to run about 5km in 45-60 minutes, wich is insane compared to most animals. That's partly because we are hairless and dissipate heat by sweating profusely! Last but not least, our teeth are pretty good as long as you don't ovderdo it with sugar, wich most modern humans do. Not that we would actually hunt with our teeth, but defensively it can cause enough pain and we also have ninble finger to poke eyes and ears!

  23. INCEL, di base, vuol dire celibe involontario, dunque non per scelta propria perchè la scelta la fa l'altro sesso rifiutandoti. Non avrebbe alcun connotato cattivo, se non fosse che molti INCEL, alla lunga, finiscono estremamente frustrati dalla cosa e sfociano nella misoginia estrema prossima al complottismo.

  24. eh si ma la parola incel non è mai accompagnata da contesti ai quali si vorrebbe essere associati

  25. Si infatti, ormai il termine ha assunto lo stesso connotato negativo della swastika, i baffetti col ciuffo, i capelli dai colori sgargianti col piercing al setto nasale e compagnia bella.

  26. Of all the objectively over the top muscle women he could have picked, he went with the one that is still conventionally attractive, with a cute face and a fun personality. OF ALL THE ROIDED UP woMEN HE PICKED THE ACTUALLY CUTE AND STILL FEMININE ONE! Come on dude...

  27. I've had this happen once, fortunately I joined the game with some people from Turin's discord server and we re-lobbied. Find Turin on YouTube and join his discord and you might find some more games, everyone is very nice there.

  28. I'm aware of Turin, he is the one that made me discover this game! I am a little boomerish inside, so discord is not my thing and i always avoided it, but i'll have to bite the bullet sooner or later because, as a noob, joining random lobbies is always a dice roll. I've had 2 games yesterday that were just depressing! One as Fremen and i got stomped by an Ecaz to the point i could only watch the game as a spectator after about 30 minutes and another as Corrino (i know, supposedly strongest faction but it was my second game with them) where my DEFENSIVELY placed second base got ganked by 2 other players, destroyed and it was pretty much gg because i was on 1 spice already. So yeah, being able to join beginner/intermediate lobbies would be great!

  29. At that point i'd rather have shared floor toilets and kitchen and have space to store my food in my room.

  30. No way Peroni is the most popular in Italy, i never saw anyone actually drink one. Now Moretti on the other hand, i can see it; as far as industrial beers go, they do decent beer and CONTROVERSIAL OPINION their radler is absolutely nice when it's hot outside.

  31. 1g of fats is 9kcals, so you'd need about 1.6kg of pure fats to reach that. Doable if you start at midnight and go hard on butter bread with fatty cheese topped with jam. then of course olive oil, assuming you can't puke you'd need to really be careful with it, but 50ml every hour are manageable. To get some reprieve from all the cheese mix some high fat meats like Wagyu in. I went with wagyu because the fat is not localised but evnely spread. It will be a pretty hard day and not puking it out will be a challenge, but given 24 hours it shouldn't be a problem for an average man (if you are a small woman force your husband/brother/father/gym bro friend to do it).

  32. Get him stabbed by a random arab dude when drunk after 8 pints and a kebab (that's where he will be targeted by the stabber) or bring him to a sports bar where a bunch of hoolingans watch the game and have him cheer for the wrong team (so also stabbing, just different steps).

  33. Wasn't there an anime a couple seasons ago when the MC accidentally killed the hero, then got swapped into it's now zombiefied body and this all doesn't matter, because the point i was trying to make is that he was obsessed with putting parisians on a girl's legs and fucking daikons?

  34. POV: you work at a massive soulless corporation that doesn't give a shit where the money comes from as long as it's not a country directly in conflict with the USA or maybe the EU, but you somehow think that they will give half a shit about your political view and that there will be no severe consequences for causing a ruckus over a conflict that is more nuanced than the sexual history of your mom.

  35. Please big D, funnel some of that money into AIAD because God, the Devil, whatever you have a pact with, knows my shares down 80% need it! /s but not so much, i'm in the pits.

  36. SIlver lining (for the company that sold you that), of those $72 a good chunck is just for the fancy gold thingy, the pretty colour of the box and the usual pink tax on every explicitly "for women" product.

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