
  1. wym? he’s great design, compared to half of the champs

  2. For the pantaloons you currently possess upon your living body, the individual you are currently having a chat with shall declare that they, being myself, will make a fecal delivery into your pantaloons.

  3. Хтось пив текілу і різав лайм…

  4. I luv this style, I’m glad you shared it

  5. It's fine and everyone is over-reacting. I can see why the mods took down the last thread though, the comments must've exploded with hate there too. Like why all the downvotes on individual comments from people saying they personally think it looks fine? You disagree that they think it's fine? You think it's wrong to show someone positivity for the tattoo they ALREADY GOT?

  6. Nah, it's because I added a reference from manga and didn't specify that it's not OC lol

  7. ever since i read part seven ive been thinking of doing this this is making me for inclined todo so

  8. I'm glad you like it, but please remember to consider if it could have some impact on your career or somehow limit your options in some situations where this could somehow matter, like university. Also, like some people here pointed out - hand tats are wearing out a lot faster than any other body part, which means that either you should be ok with it looking a bit more like real life version of Johny's tattoo, or refresh it once every 6-8 months, which might sound like a lot, but the whole process took about 3 hours, and a refreshment I did not long ago was around 1 hour. It's definitely not something you do and forget for 10 years :p

  9. Carti fans never fail to disappoint

  10. I plan on attempting to crack it after work, I’ll post the results once it’s open

  11. Habitable considering what we understand of life.

  12. Looks like someone watched Kurzgesagt video

  13. Thought planes were not allowed that close anymore?

  14. It’s like 5 miles from the ground

  15. Number of abs depends solely on your genes.

  16. Well, doing it with a vertex shader liked they thought would work way more efficiently, if speed ever becomes a concern. That way you're not shuffling texture/video data back to the CPU constantly.

  17. Yeah dude, awesome idea. But I'll hit you with the news - not everyone knows how to write a vertex shader

  18. Not to be dickish but make it slower, if looks more watery than the foam on top, if you’re goin for water with a bit of bubble than yer golden, but this looks like the kina physics I’d use for sand or something considering speed and consistency. It looks great don’t get me wrong, but like make some foam bubbles in your sink and grab em and see what I mean.

  19. Is there anything specific that you would recommend for a better lighting setup?

  20. Bro, what seven years are you talking about, World’s Azir came out a month ago

  21. what about foreskin and a pink head with a cut in the middle?

  22. Unfortunately the game will still be made in that crappy Unity engine. :P

  23. It’s not about the engine, the developers just don’t know how to use it properly

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