
  1. His supporters will claim that George Soros is holding him hostage in his basement in order to harvest his adrenochrome as fuel for the Antifa supersoldiers, and run him regardless.

  2. Robyn on the episode 4 reward saying she was surrounded by lots of hot chicks was very cringe.

  3. If you're referring to Reddit, it's very much a left-leaning userbase, so that is unlikely to change at any point. However, you have a split between subs that gush over Biden and those that dislike him for being too right-wing (especially on Israel). Facebook and Youtube are far more conservative, and Twitter is a mixed bag.

  4. Reddit has a serious groupthink problem. It's scary how biased people can be. Say one thing against the liberal agenda and you're downvoted into oblivion or banned by a liberal mod lol. It's funny, but very toxic at the same time.

  5. Indeed, but conservative subs are every bit as bad (if not worse). Back when The_Donald was around, they had an open policy of banning anyone who criticized Trump.

  6. Noam Chomsky has contended that every living US president should be charged with war crimes. With the possible exception of Jimmy Carter, I can't really dispute that.

  7. Noam 'if the West does it it's imperialism, if the Global South does it it's a justified reaction to colonialism' Chomsky? That Noam Chomsky?

  8. Except get them out of harm’s way, which she had ample opportunity to do.

  9. When it comes to the manufacture of substances that destroy thousands of lives because "i like the magic of chemistry", yea it is actually. He got off easy getting shot in the face.

  10. For sure. If it's required for one of our most fundamental rights, it should be made universally available.

  11. Thailand, UK, Indonesia are the ones that have/had HK. Not sure about other countries.

  12. I know you are being sarcastic, no worries, but ironically, they were actually found. There is enough of 'very graphic' historical footage of the atrocities going on in the camps, depicting both survivors and victims who sadly didn't live long enough to be liberated. Hell, there are admissions of the nazi perpetrators themselves and them always being quite explicit on genocides being their intent. Why do these people always forget that genocide was OPENLY at the core of the ideology behind the Holocaust and the genocidal Eastern campaign?

  13. Well clearly those were all Soros-funded crisis actors portrayed by Ben Ghazi and his drag queen alter ego, Anne Tifa.

  14. Honestly, cleaning toilets is actually pretty productive for men and women alike, whereas arguing with someone rarely accomplishes anything.

  15. Nearly two years after overturning RvW Republicans are clearly hellbent on refusing to learn their lesson on this issue. Anti-abortion measures got voted down in Kansas of all places, how do they think this will turn out in one of the most competitive states?

  16. Campaigning at this point isn't having an impact one way or another. Anyone who actually pays attention to politics has already decided who they're voting for, while the swing voters who are actually convinced by meaningless fluff like campaigns won't be tuning in until September at the earliest.

  17. Inflation and unemployment could both be 50% and I still wouldn’t invite Trump back to do his old job. As we say in the recruiting industry, he is “DNR” (Do Not Rehire). It’s unimaginable to me that billionaire donors, chambers of commerce, etc can still somehow see Trump as a reliable profit driver for them. He’ll sell every last one of them down the river and all the rest of us too if he must. I predict economic instability in a second Trump term.

  18. Guys this places an undue burden on Conservative Candidates. More voters = more rational people = less conservatives in government.

  19. We already have enough uninformed idiots voting voluntarily, the last thing we need is people just randomly filling out the ballot or choosing whoever they saw an ad for most recently.

  20. Very few. The primary was the perfect time to send a message of “we know you’re the lesser evil by a wide margin, but if you could please just not be evil at all (or give an endless smorgasbord of money and weapons to people who are) that would be swell.”

  21. Yeah, I don’t know why people think Biden just has a button on his desk to resolve this.

  22. That button is on his desk right next to the knobs that make inflation and the price of gas go up and down.

  23. I find it odd that the people who claim it’s crucially important to vote for Biden are the same ones who seemingly think the presidency is a completely impotent position with no power to do anything.

  24. This sentence makes absolutely no sense as a reply to the comment it is attached to.

  25. The vast majority of Americans are not settled on either trump or Biden

  26. Sure they are. It's a tiny minority that aren't, and it's the ones who are easily swayed by superficial drivel like campaign ads.

  27. A half Hispanic Nazi (why does this keep happening?)

  28. Is that Purtio Rican Hans Kristian Greabener from Spring TX?

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