
  1. Get normal. Idk about vr. Modding is pretty easy to do. And street racing like cutting up?

  2. That sucks man, like really sucks. I’m really sorry you had to go through that, but what’s done is done and you can’t go back and change it right?

  3. I note a comment that disturbing nesting birds is an offence and no doubt this would be considered irresponsible and reckless if the bird was endangered or on a red list. This would be a job for the RSPB. However, the good news for you is that Robins are on the Green List and are doing well in the UK. Therefore, if your van is roadworthy, then I would suggest you could safely wait for the birds to leave the nest, remove it and take the van for a spin. Robins are resilient and territorial - if they return and find the nest and / or the nesting site gone, they will get on and build another one but hopefully somewhere else. You can buy Robin nest boxes - perhaps put one or two up in your garden as a peace offering!! I hope this helps.

  4. Technically, destroying a birds nest that's being used is illegal

  5. Mine had them at about 8, Wi-Fi only at that point. They get a SIM card when they start high school.

  6. I’ll ask in the general comments to save asking the same thing on every comment.

  7. get to the point where you get robots, and use them and don't restart

  8. Yea that’s another thing.. I feel like the factory is going really well then.. fuck you we’re destroying all of it before I get time to set up turrets n stuff

  9. Threw a McDonald’s coffee cup out the drivers side window to the opposite side of the car. Had a witness and everything. Magical

  10. That’s the wrong hand emoji, sir; Are you tenderising your meat?

  11. Pretty sure it’s heavily dependent on gun/ammo type. The LMGS can shred containers on shipment and other cover. Drill charger are also insanely strong

  12. Hilariously I’m in that boat. Im a qualified electrician and it’s never what I actually wanted to do. Like don’t get me wrong, I enjoy some days, but I wish I took a different path when I was younger and aimed to be a vet. Unfortunately, the money has me trapped and I’ll probably never get to that

  13. Pretty sure I read an article AGES ago that you can call either the DVLA or 101 to check for ongoing speeding fines. May have changed by now tho

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