
  1. Drop some dilute nitric acid on it, looks like a dirty nugget

  2. Thanks. One thing I will note though is that they claimed they get only 150g of gold from one ton of circuit boards, which would have to be pretty lower grade/newer material with no cpus/ram sticks if true. Older materials and materials from countries like Japan will have 8-15x the amount of gold as that per ton.

  3. An old miner ain't never gonna tell where his vein is either. Ya, honest yield reporting is hard to find, even from amateurs. It's smart business.

  4. Those are great questions. With my luck he announces f500 company tomorrow and I will miss the run yet I haven't trusted my own TA and it has cost me money. This time I am trusting it.

  5. I'm long so it doesn't really matter much to me. But coincidentally I nearly sold half my position today AH to raise cash for something pretty pressing. Then I checked for news and there was the mention of the interview and decided to wait another day. My gut feeling is that the spike AH was that news getting out to the market and people are feeling bullish about it. We may actually see a continuation in the AM of that trend. IDK, but I have to get the cash I need so after the interview some of my position has to go... That is, unless something crazy happens and we run.

  6. I wish you the best man. Even if it means I get left behind I hope we run so you can get your money. Good luck!!

  7. Come Monday you'll be right, and your sale wasn't a bad one. Good luck to you.

  8. So you're saying that it's China that really has the deck stacked in the THEIR favor? Ya, that's what I've been telling people. They don't like it when I say so.

  9. Trademarked only for a physical condition with veteran porn stars. The usage here is different and surely won't cause any er, aah, friction.

  10. GFAI just needs a catalyst. Mark this post, one day we'll wake up to it running like a hound dog chasing a rabbit through the woods 👍🏼

  11. Every damn emerging growth company gets this treatment. What are you like a week into trading the market?

  12. I'm a business owner that's not a publicly traded company that's probably in a quiet period, and ya, I would have shut MY door in your face too

  13. My 2K are locked up. Want my shares? MOLON LABE 🤜🏼

  14. It was all the newly relocated Californians that did the fucking up...

  15. Montana is where all rich people park their money because of their loose tax laws. Look it up. It’s why you see so many super cars with Montana plates.

  16. Coincidentally, I saw a Ferrari tonight in downtown Huntington Beach CA with Montana plates. Never knew this, and you nailed it!

  17. $ATER more primed than most to benefit from this. Can't wait to see the scramble of leveraged shorts to cover all the make believe shares they have beat the price down with!

  18. Monday morning PM, 4am, I am buying more. I have a feeling after the bell 🔔 might be a shoulda woulda coulda moment...

  19. Good luck with that during the trading day. 500 shares took 7 minutes to fill in 7 lots.

  20. There are alot of red flags that make shareholders nervous. But you also can’t deny the partnerships they made. Comau being one, and they also have solid people on the executive team. Not the biggest fan of David Michery, and I could give a shit if the vans came from china to be assembled here (anybody who thinks name brands all come from the US is pretty stupid, 90% of the shit in your house is from China or made almost entirely of parts from China). I am still bullish short-term. We still have yet to be announced big catalysts for Q2. If those catalysts unfold as empty promises, the SP will plummet back to sub .50 again. If the catalysts do hold true and an official announcement of the Fortune 500 deal is announced and the pilot vans are delivered, I can see this breaking mid to high 3s with support and mid to high 4s on the high side. But I don’t think I will be holding over the summer. By the time the catalysts are official, there is a long dry wait until the September test vehicle is revealed. And that test vehicle has a fairly short timeframe to be ready to include all the new technology, especially since the battery doesn’t exactly exist yet (and I imagine alot of major hurdles in making that battery come to fruition). Advice would be, great price below 1.40 if you can hold for another 2-3 months to wait for catalysts, and play Mullen as a Q2 swing play. Once those catalysts come, alot of profit taking or simply exiting will happen and then a sharp pullback again until there is solid news on the Mullen Five test vehicle for September. The Vans are great to find a new higher range and support, but alot is riding on Mullen Five. I will be looking at summer SP for a new entry after swinging Mullen for Q2

  21. 1st generation model 5's will be with a regular lithium battery, that has already been stated. I can't really refute anything else you've said, well spoken, solid observations, and pretty much what can be expected in the mid-term.

  22. You realize the shares have a guaranteed buyer? How would you make money by shorting?

  23. Evidently people no longer comprehend sarcasm, dumbass 😜

  24. My hats off to you DZ. Only a rare human can effectively form a thesis like this, using all the evidence and historical data to back up its claims, and then eloquently communicate it so apes and crayon eaters can digest it easily. What you propose here only strengthens my resolve. And even if it doesn't play out exactly in this way, your DD certainly highlights the fuckn FACT that the inevitable is surely close at hand...

  25. You CAN learn about the market on YouTube. Look for educational videos NOT videos about specific stocks, all bullsquat. The best way to learn is cash your paycheck, go home, open a window, preferably second floor, and throw your cash out of it.

  26. Well having a position in ATERIAN I certainly noticed all kinds of censorship and people getting banned. Those of us familiar with the situation continue to bring awareness to ATER any way we can. But who really, is responsible for censoring people from doing what we've done in these subs all along? Suddenly one particular ticker is getting a lot of effort to silence those talking about it...SUS

  27. Sure would be nice if Yaniv did something to help his own stock. Some PR would be nice.

  28. I'm buying 3 every hour from 4am until market closes. My $6 calls expire and are lost; live and learn. I ain't mad... but I will be getting more than even. Look for 3 at the top of every hour 👋 that's me.

  29. One of the reasons I'm here, a good company getting wrecked by an unjust greedy market. I'm hoping to reclaim a fairly enthusiastic investment and let the rest of my shares ride into the future with this company.

  30. We REALLY need to get this bad boy up over $5 to close the day green and sending calls ITM. I'm loading 300 more as close to close as I can. Not much but it'll add to 2100 I already own ! Close over $5 today and hopefully push the price to $6 by close tomorrow and it'll be all hell breaking lose. GTLA and HOLD THE LINE!!! If they want my shares...MOLON LABE 🤜🏼

  31. Let's get this over $5 today before close and hold the line. We need $5 and $6 calls to expire in the money tomorrow before close then we will have really inflicted major damage!

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