
  1. The galactic Empire and what the hell it's, who were the royal family and why they got couped? Why did that child have powers? Why's the Empire so evil? What are the religious robots?

  2. Man, you sound so easy to intrigue. Maybe they should also have added a few red glowing crystals and a gazimbo that went “wooo” and we would have two extra totally legit world building elements.

  3. I did like the movie on a surface level, though you need to buy into its elements.

  4. There’s nothing inherently straight or gay about futa, you can either be straight with a dick fetish or gay with a boob fetish. I am both, but there is nothing wrong with being one or the other.

  5. I think you're missing the forest for the trees. Whether you like facts or not (and you don't seem to), the fact is that Israel is an 800-pound gorilla relative to Palestine which is more like a mosquito.

  6. The other guy arguing is a dumbass, but dude the Arab Empire has been gone for over 700 years

  7. The Russian Empire has been gone for ~100 years too. But you could be mistaken for thinking both still exist!

  8. The modern arab world doesn't hold a candle to the Caliphates and Sultanates of old. It's comparing a bunch of squabbling nations that are often part of spheres of influence to the largest and most powerful Empires up to their points in historys

  9. Yeah, black people don't exist here because we killed them all /S

  10. Also we did use to have a black pop descendant from slaves, but it ended up becoming nearly irrelevant due to systemic discrimination and the new eruopean inmigrants which outpopulated a lot of other ethnic groups

  11. Mmm just consider that the secondary highest amount of ships with slaves arrived at Mar de la Plata, there is almost 30% of people at least that are from Indigenous background and most of them relegated to the poorest zones of Argentina. Where are them black people?

  12. I doubt we're seriously one of the most racist countries in the world. Also our racism durng the world cup is hilarious, all good ol' toxic sportsmanship

  13. Me gustaría mencionar que aunque la leyenda negra si fue una herramienta utilizada por otros imperios para justificar su propio colonialismo y hasta grupos políticos, los adelantados aun cometieron atrocidades contra pueblos originarios americanos que siguen teniendo repercusiones hoy en día. Esta mas que bien condenar esas acciones sin asociarte con las implicaciones políticas modernas, los partidos no son dueños de la historia.

  14. De no ser porque cristobal colon se vino en la niña, nl tendriamos a messi

  15. Easy. It’s a law and it shan’t be broken.

  16. Yeah but something being legal doesn't make it rigth of fitting. Demmaning not "lacks of respect" in a sub such as this seems kind of not fitting

  17. I really like the trains of thought this community has. They're absolutely interesting and different from what I'm used to seeing in Reddit

  18. Muchos creen que el hecho de no ver como víctimas a los guerrilleros que mataban y ponían bombas es avalar a los militares que asesinaron y secuestraron después.

  19. También algunos te confunden el no avalar crímenes de lesa humanidad con ser pro-montonero

  20. I’m from wollo so I definitely don’t like him. I do think he helped modernize a little and I respect how heavily respected and influential he was in the world stage. Especially when he was a black leader from a feudal isolated African nation and 5’1. But I hate him. He starved hundreds of thousands to death whiling living a lavish life, he banned afaan Oromo, ethnically cleansed the hararis, and indirectly caused most of the issues we have today. Not to mention he didn’t modernize fast enough and created the phenomenon of all development going to Addis making it almost an entirely different country compared to the rest of Ethiopia. He also still kept the nation in a feudal state and gave Amharas a bad rep (not an excuse for the Amhara hate rn)

  21. Diría Cina o Singapur para industrializarnos a full y después elegir el sistema de gobierno que se nos cante el orto con esa guita. (para mí, lo que hacen los noruegos)

  22. Arranque las vacaciones de invierno, estoy al pedo, vi muchos AMA de todo tipo y me mande sin miedo al éxito

  23. The cyborg gang I don't mind much, its more...... Why on tatooine? They need to clean there bike every ride?

  24. Y si, hubo pueblos indígenas en la Patagonia que no participaron en malones sobre la frontera Argentina

  25. Según ellos no participaron, y además si parábamos ahí e istalabamos la frontera en yqs, río negro, los que "nunca participaron" se van a poner a matar y violar como las ratas que eran

  26. As someone who's poor yet still has models, it's definitely easy to do, it's all about saving a little longer, going to discount stores and finding second hand stuff on Facebook and ebay

  27. Este sub en si es un quilombo político ya. Extraño los días cuando solo jodiamos con los videos raros de Milei y memes de los Simpson

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