
  1. Mans hit the swanton bomb from the top ropes

  2. Weed is just like a given at all times in my waking hours. I like how it makes the taste a little different.. smokier... ancient.. and the ability to come in and out of like 5 holes just burning a nice big king size zoning out and lightin again after whatever delightful ideas you may be having. really the money is def keep the weed but learn how to come down off a trip with K to make it a beautiful thing on a beautiful thing. and my lord nitrous oxide is amazing at all times.

  3. Man that’s sick, next sesh I’m hitting it hard

  4. Sounds good man I’ll be hitting this up

  5. They've got some wicked YouTubers in there these days

  6. It's a great game to pass around with some friends. I beat this game maybe 4 times but it was usually just something we passed around together. Especially on harder difficulties.

  7. Lol, I had a weed / max Payne gathering on 360 at my flat. Was sick!

  8. He chose the future of airbending, as Katara would go on to mother his children, two of which became airbenders and one of which fathered multiple of his own, including one of the most enlightened airbenders to exist for centuries, perhaps millennia and would help to usher in an entirely new generation of airbenders due to her role in Harmonic Convergence.

  9. They don't need to steal them, they usually bought with drug money and they are riding round making deliveries, these aren't old crossers from the 90s, easy to steal. these are modern bikes. It has been deemed too dangerous to chase a motorcycle, for the suspect and the general public so why do they need to steal them?

  10. Absolutely false. Plenty of videos of the federals knocking lads off bikes. What you’re referring to changed years back.

  11. Anyone here have one they didn’t agree to? Thoughts?

  12. Bet man blasts some pussy with these dogs

  13. Jimmy Savile was a terrible ventriloquist.

  14. No, because you can't make black things white, only the other way around.

  15. You’re gonna hate this guy called Michael Jackson

  16. Absolutely not. I’m deep into the Khamzat hype train and love the guy, but my guy needs to work on technical striking, greater head movement etc

  17. He does MMA. Of course he’s not a good guy smh.

  18. Are you serious? He was there to pick up his kids. Anybody who wants to see their children would be upset if their ex spouse tried to stop them from seeing their kids. Verbal altercations don’t warrant murder. You guys are fucking nuts

  19. Bro he tried to put his hands on another man’s firearm.

  20. Step dad should have never brought out a gun in the first place. It was completely unwarranted

  21. Man on property refusing to leave property?

  22. Anyone been on that website? Mans loving bussin in sex dolls

  23. It’s like how you shouldn’t get into a fight with a severely depressed person

  24. Please write “fuck off cunt” when nobody is looking.

  25. Usually get a good workout in Sunday afternoon, cook a nice meal and have a couple of spliffs, chill in the bath and fall asleep to a film!

  26. Guess I’ll just walk to work and leave at 3am every morning and get home at 1am every nightj

  27. I hope my coach doesn’t start slamming squats at my funeral whilst my family mourn

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