
  1. Really wonder what they will do next. They were convinced that "woke game reviewers" were going to pan the game but it seems to have reviewed very well. Pretty sure that they are more into the drama and peddling controversy than into the game itself.

  2. What is the Bunny girl from? Recognize most other but not her.

  3. "What are your views on serious matters" is such a hilarious vague and bad question.

  4. I hate when the wingman / wing woman character decides to go from helping their friend to being the weak leg in a love triangle that obviously will never get the guy/girl. The alien girl in Actually I Am did this, and it was even worse with the "cool girl" in O Maidens in Your Savage Season.

  5. I am honestly baffled than anyone could seriously think this. That an AI could produce anything out that would be better than even a mediocre writer. And the belief that reader would appreciate to just get stuff that an AI had reassembled from what had came before with no thought behind it instead of something crafted with intent by an actual writer. Even a semi-competent author could replicate someones style, there is literally no need for an AI.

  6. His research seems to be that it is hidden messages in popular TV shows because the writers went to Harvard.

  7. Capitalist investment is exploiting the poor, globally, for capital gain. That’s a pretty standard left-wing definition of it. 

  8. No, I’m saying that China is no better or worse than the US and the West. So I don’t differentiate. Exploitation and extracting value is what they are all doing to Africa.   

  9. Give me one quote where I say that the west is better. The only thing I have said is that the situation in Ethiopia (and even more specifically Addis) is with China, but that the west is active in other regions. I have always said that it is a rich countries vs poor countries and global explotation.

  10. Are we sure we didn't just witness a regular s*icide?

  11. You are not on tiktok. You are allowed to type the word "suicide". I won't tell your mum I promise.

  12. Probably (also) engagement bait. It's an increasingly common tactic to put something slightly wrong in the title to induce people to post comments correcting it and increasing the likelihood of getting recommended by the algorithm.

  13. Stuff like "didn't except that ending" is also extremly common engagment bait on Instagram and tiktok where watching the whole thing/repeat viewing does a ton for engagement. Often the actual reveal is fast/easy to miss so you have to rewatch it again.

  14. A "historical" and a "historical with no other modifiers" are two different asks.

  15. Historical fantasy is two separate genres, not an individual genre distinct from historical and fantasy.

  16. I have been a librarian for a decade now and if we tomorrow would start putting fantasy books with a historical setting among the historical fiction books my entire week would be ruined because of angry readers giving us shit. :)

  17. I am so much more interested in public domain characters and literary figures than yet another Star Wars, Lord of the rings or Harry Potter game.

  18. Exactly that, and it started out with less Olympians as well.

  19. Not a lot less though, only Hermes and Demeter was added after the early access launch. I remember that there were some loud people in the fan bass that was angry that they weren't going to add more, but looking back it was the right decision to flesh out the characters they had instead.

  20. I just bought the game. I'm struggling and bored getting through the tutorials. Downvote me into oblivion.

  21. 1, the game takes a while to get going, I wasn't sold in the tutorial as well but when you get more stuff in the base it starts to shine.

  22. Nope she used Lifelight. Stormlight/ lifelight/ voidlight are all gaseous forms of investiture like Breath is.

  23. I am not as well versed in cosmere lore as many here, but can't basically all investiture take gaseous form? Like the Mist on Scadriel for example.

  24. I don't think I watch a lot of romance anime, but Wotakoi was nice. It's one of my all-time favorites.

  25. Finished that one just the other day. Really like it, great characters and was funny throughout. Could have used some more romance though, it was very refreshing seeing a story about actually being in a relationship and not pursuing one, but sometimes it nearly felt like they were very good friends and not a couple. Also a bit weird that they took holding hands and kissing as a big deal when they had been dating for months and are in their 20s.

  26. Love Odd Taxi to bits, one of the best Anime I have seen in a long time. Don't think it have the most mindblowing plottwist though. It is just the quality of its writing, characterizations and just general vibes that is so good.

  27. I will die on the hill that it is a pretty weird behavior to get irritated and bitter over people liking different things than you. I read Last Wish back in 07, thought it was a 6/10, never bothered with the rest and moved on. But all the more power to people who find enjoyment in the books, let them do that without shitting on them.

  28. No less than Hellsing or Akira.

  29. Wouldn't say that those or shows like Dorohedoro is horror as well. Just because something is gruesome don't mean it is horror. It have to be mainly about scaring the viewer/making them uncomfortable.

  30. Hellsing is about vampires which are naturally tied to horror

  31. I dont think everything that features vampires is horror. No one would seriously argue that stuff like Twilight, Blade, Morbius and so on is horror stories because vampires are in them.

  32. It isn't, same with the Shattered Sea series and they were terrific. Would still rank "Half the World" in my top 3 of favorite Abercrombie books.

  33. The skull is red but yes, it says they committed life-ending.

  34. You know that you can just say "suicide" right? Saying "Commited life-ending" honestly feels more disrespectful than anything. Talk like a real adult ffs.

  35. I would say Stormlight fits more into the mold of the type of story OP is looking for. It have a ton of lore, to the point that when I stayed reading them I mixed up what exactly the diffrence between a Knight Radiant and a Herald and so on. The history of the world is also important to the plot and what exactly have happend in the past is still unknown because it will tie into what is happening again in the story.

  36. I know they're easy to make fun of but I don't think it's that contradictory. They already own the game, so they might as well play it, but they can still recommend that other people don't buy it.

  37. 1, I have been very happy with the latest CK3 updates.

  38. Twitter wasn’t always like that. 2014-2018 was peak then it got super fucking toxic

  39. I agree that it wasn't always like this but since Musk took over it have really reacted new heights where everyone is engagement baiting with the most crazy takes just to make people comment.

  40. There was a census done that showed that the vast majority of Iranian diaspora are not Muslim.

  41. I worked with an old Persian lady back in the day. They used to be secular Muslims living in Iran; not really being religious but celebrating the holidays and so on. But after they moved to Sweden in the late 70s/early 80s (don't exactly remember when they immigrated) they stopped calling themselves Muslims as a way to sever the connections to their homeland.

  42. No matter if it is overtly toxic or not Reddit just love to talk about things they hate and be negative about stuff.

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