
  1. I remember there was no way to buy for a couple of days, and then you could buy 1 share for a couple of days, and then 5 shares if memory serves.

  2. The best firing position is the prone position which is laying on your belly. Imagine yourself on the high ground holding a rifle in the prone position. As you may imagine, the enemy has a much smaller target to take you out - maybe only able to see your head. However, you can see the entire enemy's body, so you have a much bigger target. So having the high ground naturally provides more cover and exposes the enemy more.

  3. People with high ground who are prone can also rest their firearm on the ground or another object which stabilizes their aim and reduces fatigue. Having to fire upward possibly while moving is much harder physically.

  4. I’ve been here since January of the initial run. Every time we think we have them cornered… they wiggle out. Every. Single. Fucking. Time. Even if GameStop is profitable, they will Scream fraud and do other heinous things to continue to suppress the price to where they need it to Be. Presently, there isn’t enough money in the world To support a moass event.

  5. We have no choice now but to ride it out.

  6. When I originally DRSd my shares, I received my initial account number. Each time I bought on Fidelity, I would eventually DRS them via the paper form and send to Computershare. This resulted in me having several Computershare account numbers, although I don't know why new account numbers were issued. I always DRSd to my original account number, though. Is it reasonable to move my shares to one of the other account numbers since Fidelity only ever had access to the first? Thoughts? Because I know many apes have more than one CS account, as well.

  7. DTCC is making Gamestop report their numbers as a base. "We hold XX,XXX,XXX and everyone else holds the rest." They are fucking with us so we don't know. They started doing this a few Earnings Reports back when the language in the report changed.

  8. It's strange to see that the DRS numbers are exactly the same as last reported at 75.4 million.....

  9. Not long ago, the language used to report DRS numbers changed. Gamestop used to report that "XX,XXX,XXX shares have been directly registered with our transfer agent." Then something changed, and the report became "XX,XXX,XXX shares are with the DTCC" using more official language than I just did, and basically all others are somewhere else. I think the DTCC is making Gamestop report this way to cover up the fact that there is a huge fucking discrepancy with the number of shares at the DTCC, Computershare, and others owned by insiders. They just don't add up. DTCC knows what's up and they are going to fuck with us so we don't know.

  10. Once I get about 45 minutes into a movie, most of the time I will stubbornly power through to the end just because I am invested at that point. But I just couldn't get through Black Widow. Shut it off after about an hour.

  11. I was offered a 3 man trade. Tyreek and a couple of scrubs for Aaron Jones, Damian Pierce, and Devonte Smith. If I only could see the future.

  12. "Free market" to Dougie means the ability to break the law, commit fraud, and get away with it.

  13. Facebook never warns you about deleting your account. They just delete it.

  14. If history is any guide, if the SEC decides to find him guilty, the penalty will be a fine of $1,000. Oh wait, no that's only if you're a psychopathic, criminal piece of shit market maker or broker.

  15. I missed the dip but bought more anyway.

  16. Completely normal after ripping 50% in a day and a half. I was expecting a retrace to 0.27. If .26 is lost we should expect lower (not likely at the moment unless market broadly drops)

  17. I was just thinking someone with a lot of shares made 50% and got out. Sells do happen. But I'm smooth and can't read charts so I basically know nothing.

  18. Right? It makes sense that preventing fraud isn’t already under the SEC purview . . .

  19. Hey guys, should we stop manipulation and fraud? Hmmm maybe we should have a meeting and talk about it.

  20. If I didn't panic at .30 I'm not going to panic at .24 lol

  21. Why would you not buy at least 1 share at this price for that kind of possibility. Its crazy people are telling us to sell when they should be buying like us!

  22. What's the point in selling anyway when the stock is at .29? I mean, how much more am I going to lose here lol.

  23. That’s why it’s important to manage expectations 🙏🏻

  24. Shorted from 12:30 - 1:00. So predictable.

  25. Nothing but positive results in earnings so of course we all sold.

  26. Households have expenses. If you live there, you are using space, water, electricity, wifi, eating food, etc. As a child, you cannot be expected to contribute to these expenses. They are provided because you literally cannot pay. Of course, many children are expected to contribute in other ways by doing chores such as yard work, washing dishes, etc. If you are old enough to be on your own and making an income, but are not contributing to the household, then that is actually what is utterly fucked. There are plenty of families struggling to make ends meet and young adults should not expect to live free forever. Help out.

  27. They'll be getting legal threats by the end of the day.

  28. If he is trying to get this sub hyped, this is not how to do it. Hopefully everyone here will ignore his ass now.

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