
  1. Lonald when i put him into a MRI machine:

  2. benom could be “We together, forever” or something i don’t know

  3. great job but respectfully what the hell were you doing and how did it help?

  4. not to sound like a narcissist but which one?

  5. i got the last one right i’m more racist than him

  6. now that i’m thinking about it, fortnite did a really good job with web swinging

  7. Armor chomper speaks in incorrect shakespearean

  8. he probably didn’t have enough space to deploy them, ignore every other instance where he could use them for his benefit very easily

  9. If he listened to Uncle Aaron's beats, the story would be so much shorter.

  10. miles set a custom ringtone for his uncle and while they’re fighting Uncle Aaron calls miles and that song plays, so the symbiote rips itself off and flees

  11. he is crying out of his pupil, unrealistic

  12. everything but hard, it just feels like expert but with two lanes merged, way too cluttered

  13. “geez! at least that’s not as bad as the time i went into cryostasis for 2,000 years!”

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