
  1. I love physical mv godzilla is, it's so entertaining to watch.

  2. I thought it didn't care about what hero you play only that you won or lost. It should win streak him well out of whatever rank he's in with a 95% win rate across 45 games.

  3. Might be bc the system doesn't have enough data on venture to rank him up accurately. Venture is the only hero, besides sigma that's was playable in comp on day 1 release. Normally, there's 2 weeks of qp data.

  4. I grew up with a mom and 2 sisters, being the only male in the house. They knew nothing of me, except for what my clothes looked like. They missed out on my entire childhood, because I knew not to share anything ever.

  5. I learned by age 7 to tell my dad, "Don't tell mama" bc she can't keep her mouth shut for anything. I'm still secretive with details. I love her, but she's a loud mouth gossip to certain family members.

  6. Surely this won’t have any unintended consequences whatsoever

  7. This won't last more than a season after a considerable amount of people can't play in owcs. I wouldn't even consider fuck a swear.

  8. Yeah, it's broken for everyone that can wallclimb. If you're airborne and try to wallclimb, you'll just fall. This affects genji's double jump, hanzo's lunge, and kiri.

  9. I think for fear, there's only a handful of options that fit the bill.

  10. World rajangs put the fear of God in me. Every other monster was fine, but those damn monkeys were something else.

  11. Who goes jelly first? That's insane. That's the true sin in this post. You are all fools.

  12. Godzilla has been shown he's more than willing to rip and tear on apes. Should've let him kill 5, and them being more afraid of Godzilla than skar king.

  13. Which ones are you talking about specifically? Height, being "feisty", etc?

  14. Animated movies is their bread and butter. They need to go all in on that.

  15. Exactly! Most people who don’t use social media simply don’t want to!!!

  16. I only have a fb bc friends said they'd make a fake profile of me.

  17. Oh god it’s here isn’t it. Just like how tech improvements made it easier for people to be dumb and expect some tech to save them the car improvements like rear camera, self braking, and beeping when merging are turning drivers into dependent idiots. People just operating cars waiting for the car to tell them if it’s unsafe rather than using their own eyes.

  18. I just don't like the way it looks. Looking back gives me a better idea of where everything around me is. Especially when it comes to parking or backing out.

  19. I'm surprised there's no brain ball. Also, mercy as raven?! No.

  20. I use dish soap, because having two soap dispensers are kind of a mess anyway

  21. Dawn cleans dishes, my hands, and kills the fleas off my dog.

  22. It wouldn't be as shocking to everyone if it was a cigarette during a funeral, so why does it matter what was rolled?

  23. You know you can't prank a black woman. The response is not proportional, and you are likely to get hit. Something is taking damage.

  24. The struggle was when you had your TV in an entertainment center up against the wall and you were mashing your face into the wall to try and see behind it to match the colors despite it somehow being the darkest place in the house, so that you didn't have to move out your 60 pound TV

  25. I wish the last crtv I owned was 60lbs. I'm so glad they don't make tvs that heavy anymore.

  26. Blue crabs are a lot like mantis'. Their claws already hurt and draw blood, mfs would eat you alive no question.

  27. There's a bug that if the cart is contested, if you're close to the wheels, It will send you flying. This is specific to this map and your positioning.

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