
  1. It makes me filled with joy love and positivity 😚😚😚🥰🥰🩷🩷😍😍🌈🌈🌈🤗🤗🤗

  2. And a max revive!! After that, off to the psych ward!! XD

  3. Who is @lexi-bankz and why did she watermark all the screenshots like she owns the show?

  4. https://youtube.com/shorts/ZEzEmpLmSvQ?si=_67DJ--lM_dCajF

  5. I am one level away from being able to submit pokestops (you have to be level 37 to do this). We have a little library in front of our house so I'm gonna hope for the best.

  6. What are you smoking he's actually pretty good in master league

  7. If you have the space and the money don't buy a table mounted "armwrestling" pulley. Just get a table and a normal wall mounted or standing pulley. It's way more versatile and you can train a lot more angles.

  8. Fuck I would but I don't have the space for it. It's cool though I can just hit up my local gym with the attachments.

  9. What's a girl like you doin on a subreddit like this

  10. I didn't like how he pushed gangle at the end of the pilot

  11. Hell no, lmao. Don't have any specific reasons besides them being "receptive", I guess. But that's old me either way 🙃

  12. What did you find was working well for your narcissism treatment in therapy

  13. Why do you target the people you target? Do you wish you could be them?

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