
  1. The mine actually screwed my run up with randoms way more than anyone dying one time. Literally one enemy left on the map, no threat to anything, I got one mine, someone is standing over by the other one, plinking at the brig, 10 seconds left on the clock. We all wipe because they delayed for god knows what reason. It was wave 49. Just, please, if you are clearly right next to a timer counting down please for the love of god step in the shiny circle so everyone doesn’t wipe.

  2. The point is you're not the one paying them. By some twist of government bafoonery you now have an absurdly overcompensated assistant paid with tax payer dollars capable of learning any skill or trade. What do you use them for? What I see from most answers so far is a lack of ambition.

  3. The problem with a lot of ambition here is that if they somehow get in a position of making you powerful, they themselves are probably powerful enough to make more than 200k, thus ending the contract. Get too ambitions and you’re out a personal assistant.

  4. I swear I know he’s not making the best decisions here but if you value him as a friend please please do everything in your power that you reasonably can do to convince him to change his mind for the apartment if it’s not too late yet. In addition to being worth less, cars break down, they get in accidents, they fail. An apartment will last practically forever with considerably less maintenance and guarantee no risk of homeless, incredible privacy, etc. You know all this I’m sure, but even so he needs to know that this is dumb. Being a property owner will be far, far better for him than anything else, and in a few years I’m sure he’ll be glad that he was convinced.

  5. Four almost adults that I have to outright win against isn’t impossible, but it’s certainly not easier than 30 seconds of Mike Tyson. Like, it’ll be hard either way but at least one has a time limit objective that is somewhat attainable.

  6. Cajun roasted potato bits with mozzarella, bacon, and siracha mayo. Not bad. Unusual as a sandwich but I'll take it.

  7. The comic author made it about the age of consent. They were clearly trying to criticize people who sexualize underage anime characters. I normally wouldn't have an issue with that whatsoever because fuck that shit. But the scene they chose was a very poor example. And it was not only a poor example but one that can cause it's own kind of harm. I do think the comic author has the best intentions though, to be clear.

  8. I took a look back at the scene again, and I agree that it wasn't excessive in it's portrayal ( I guess in my head I kind of blew it out of proportion how much they actually focused on certain aspects of it). Though I'm not so certain they were actually trying to send a message about not hesitating on CPR insomuch as they were trying to make a joke to introduce Yuffie as this awkward character that constantly misunderstands and makes socially awkward mistakes.

  9. Well, thanks for the rewatch and civil discourse! Honestly, I do agree with you that they could have stood to drive the message home a little more. I think they should have him do chest compressions. And then have his only thought be of her safety. I also actually agree with you that they were also trying to showcase her personality as an awkward character that misunderstands situations.

  10. Thanks for engaging with me in a positive light despite initial disagreements btw. Someone else basically accused me of sexualizing underage people when talking about this issue and it was rather dismaying and frustrating, but you read properly and addressed my points and really explained properly and got me to see and agree with your point of view without being accusatory or antagonistic about it, and I really appreciate that.

  11. The fact is that Pokemon has some absolutely busted insane pokemon that could probably end the world if they tried hard enough. Even if you ignore Arceus specifically you still have an insane number of pokemon that can manipulate reality and the fabric of spacetime itself. Incredibly powerful psychic pokemon that could turn many of those lions comatose or against each other. Pokemon that can't be hit. Not to mention those that just have incredible raw power that could go through thousands of enemies at a time with their attacks. The only reason that the Pokemon world is not a barren husk is because for some reason the pokemon mostly tend to stick to themselves unless a human is involved. If they were even slightly less tame-able and more actively aggressive then humanity would probably not exist. I think they can take 1 billion lions, easily. Though from sheer numbers most of the pokemon would die. It's just that at the higher powered ones the pokemon literally can't be touched without the extreme efforts of another one of these pokemon.

  12. It's suuuuper circumstantial. 6 figures could be a flat 100k or it could be 999k. Plus, I don't know what sort of intention they had with the check. Like, a little bit to get me off my feet, lunch money for the year, etc.? Or like down payment on a house kind of money. I'm not going to decline helps so if they are offering a large amount I'll take a large amount, so long as it doesn't hurt them. Again, it depends ultimately on how much is a lot for them and what their income is.

  13. Get as much money as I can possibly do through a combination of competitions that I can easily break records on, build up fame as a strong but normal human being for the moment, and eventually start a secretive research and thinktank organization that exists for one purpose: to help me fix the world using my powers.

  14. Why in the world would I want to kill off all animal life too? Eventually there's a decent chance for an intelligent species to evolve again, but that wouldn't be possible for much much longer if only plants and microorganisms exist. I wouldn't dare condemn the possibility of sapient, technologically-advanced life eventually existing again just so I would have unexpired food. I'm not some nihilist or antinatalist that would prefer nothing intelligent exist at all or not care about anything, after all. Why is the elimination of all potentially intelligent life on the planet in exchange for guaranteed food more selected than all living things except humans survive?

  15. I actually think, at least to some degree, that this is a really balanced fight, all things considered. 40k has both beat in the raw physical force and tactical acumen front. Warframes and the Tenno have the strongest pseudo-immortality of the group and a good balance of raw power and physics hacks. Guardians have a solid mix of all of the above, to a lesser degree, but the highest physics manipulation capabilities of all. I think it comes down to how well each individuals adapt to each other and what they throw out in the moment. It’s anyone’s game.

  16. This meteor is easily avoidable (and by the standards of physics, will do nothing because it would likely burn up in the atmosphere.) But let's assume that it magically preserves itself and hits the ground at that size and speed. I will get up from my desk signal to family that it is time to leave, put my shoes on, grab my phone, wallet, laptop, chargers, put my jacket on. Grab cat crate and cat, walk out the door, lock door, get in the car, and casually drive for the remaining 2 minutes we have until the impact to wherever. Wait 5 minutes, then return to house to survey damage, hope it's not damaged or destroyed in some way. A 1m meteorite can do significant immediate damage, but really if you put any distance between it it's not going to do anything to you. Try "you have an hour to get away from a 1km meteor centered on your home" and we've got a more difficult question.

  17. $5000 is unfortunately not a lot as far as the big things you need go. If you had a week or month to deal with it, then it could easily go to practical things. But you can't pay contractors to repair the decking of a house in under 24 hours, or fix the pipes, or repair critical infrastructure. You can't buy a car with $5000 (for the most part), or hire a lawyer, or contribute to a down payment on a house. You can pay off debt, but if you don't have debt then there's not a lot that you can reasonably prepay to in 24 hours because getting appointments takes days, weeks, or months. A vacation can't be paid for entirely (though you could probably book a plane ticket and hotel, so that might be viable).

  18. You don't like running 400m on a barren planet to loot 1 of the 4 template outposts?

  19. I saw some of the concept art for the planets and all I have to say is WHERE WAS THAT?!?!? You show stunning, visually impressive locations and then mostly scrap those for a bunch of cookie-cutter worlds? Really? Why can’t companies ever learn that people want depth to their experience, not just length. Fewer planets, higher quality, greater activity density, etc. is what makes games truly great.

  20. I think it could have been truly great if they’d scrapped most of the open world and instead focused on quality and density. The best parts of the game were Hogwarts and Hogsmeade, and they should have focused on curating and refining locations like that to their fullest, making more in-depth mechanics and variety and quests within those locations. Also really gone to town on fleshing out all of the major characters. If every character quest was like Sebastian then we’d be in a good place. It’s a solid game, but it could have been so much more if they’d focused on depth rather than length.

  21. Wait, a no-weapons fight against a 25 year old kung fu master? How would you expect anyone to accept this? Only grand-champions of martial arts world dare take on a challenge like this, it’s suicide to 99.99% of the population.

  22. "decision not taken lightly. With MANY efforts made to avoid this"

  23. The insane part about layoffs in order to recoup losses is that they don’t really work. The amount of staff that you had on hand, unless you’ve massively overhired, exists for a reason. Cutting that just puts more stress on existing employees, takes away potentially critical roles, and makes future performance more sloppy.

  24. I have very few complaints for Dragonborn. I think that they could have stood to spend a little more time developing the cast of characters to make them feel unique and make me care about them raise the stakes a little, done a little more with the whole Hircine thing going on, but really the island and DLC is remarkably complete and cohesive. But for the love of god, though, let me use Black Books outside of Solstheim. If I had to make one really big addition, though, I'd make a total overhaul of dragon types and mechanics. Make the fights with them far more interesting, requiring a mixture of combat prowess, resources, and cunning to defeat. Put strategy into it, and make the fights worth remembering. And this will affect all dragon fights in future, really allowing them to shine and feel like the forces of nature they are, especially Alduin.

  25. Well, this is unlikely to backfire until the end of time or the years that it will take to get to 2 million comments. Good luck mods and conscripts.

  26. Other. Diplomacy first. We created true sapience the the first thing it does and we do is fight? That's terrible, if you ask me. I'd rather fight to the extent necessary to make diplomacy possible (for instance, by injecting code, creating new variables for them to consider, fracture the network to find rogue or friendly AI, etc.). I want to live beside them as we advance as equals, not consign myself to a fictional slave dream or try to kill our new equals in the universe.

  27. Do we only get one chance to do so, or is it "try and try again, keep refining your skills and paths and memory until you give up or manage to do it?" Because some of these seem simple but difficult, and some seem near-impossible. All would need perseverance and multiple chances, most likely.

  28. A bit basic, but my favorite is Skyrim. It’s feel good familiarity and customizability rolled into one perfect imperfect package.

  29. The no age limit is very bad, to be certain, but no illegal substances is, I would argue, extraordinarily catastrophic, bordering on world-ending. I thought "ok drugs are now all legal that's not necessarily good, but we can live with that." But then I realized that many things can fall under the umbrella of substances, and many are banned for a reason. Uranium is a restricted or illegal substance to own in useable quantities and refinement levels. A vast array of industrial chemicals that destroy the Earth and kill lots of people are substances. Neurotoxins are substances. Food, drink, and medicine that are expired and potentially deadly are substances.

  30. I think that you would struggle to get enough feast of soul stacks to use it’s perk consistently, honestly, without either a longer timer on another way to acquire them. It sounds like a great add clear weapon, but we are so oversaturated with great add clear that we also need it to be able to do decent damage against tougher enemies. A 10-15 second timer between kills on feast of souls, or on a particular amount of damage dealt (so that you can make use of it against larger enemies) would be very useful. Then again, it might make it TOO powerful.

  31. And if you want to go even faster, get Prowler’s Profit.

  32. The difficulty with getting it early on is that by the time you have enough gold to buy the solitude house, where the most difficult/expensive stone is located, you’re probably good as far as gold accumulation methods and levels. There really aren’t a lot of really big money sinks in the game, and by the time you get to them they don’t seem so big anymore. Remove that manor stone requirement, or add in mods that allow for much larger money sinks, and then we’re talking.

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