
  1. We're well into the 300's now next stop 200's id give it another 2 weeks...

  2. Member when we celebrated 1t, 84 years ago?

  3. 5 out of 7 is perfect 

  4. It's always tomorrow until it is today 

  5. You're the best! Finely I can order merch!!!!

  6. I'm really hoping that this isn't just following in BTCs wake and there's actually something big coming.

  7. Well actually there is something big coming, but I think this run up is just following btc. 

  8. Don't answer DM's. Reach out to the Loopring Discord.

  9. Always here for the hype! Tomorrow. As always.

  10. Same! It's always tomorrow, until it is today!

  11. Nederland o nederland jij bent de kampioen wij houden van oranje om zijn daden en zijn doen

  12. Just trust the process. ATM it's a waste to go full marketing. Just wait for bull market and the announced loopring updates. If you don't have faith in the loopring team, just sell your stake.

  13. And guess who decides what the fair value is. Indeed, the market makers themselves.....

  14. It already started for 16 hours here 

  15. You f'ked with the wrong mandrill!

  16. If the turd drops directly in the water you risk 'the kiss of Neptune '

  17. Never forget the only shelf which fell up

  18. Nah down 40% only requires 24% to break even because you have 40% less to lose this time. I have a phd in theoretical mathematics from oxford and can confirm my math is 100% good here

  19. Those are dummy monitors maybe if you inverse them you can win. They are designed to trap the plebs. Also remember that these stonks trade solely based on the inverse of retail investors as well so the data is in fact useless. The entire purpose of the stonk market is to garnish wages from the plebs that have excess to keep them wage slaving… if they were winning the the GDP would grind to a halt as plebs quit working when they are ahead.

  20. So I should inverse inversed people to win?

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