
  1. A player named David Nalbandian not only beats all 3 - Nadal, Djokovic and Federer at one tournament - Madrid 2007, but does it again defeating Federer and Nadal in the next tournament, Paric Bercy 2007 👀

  2. I'm having haters that report all my videos.

  3. I've had a video taken down while going pretty good on fyp then immediate appeal and got up again and few days after removed again by them and no appeal option anymore.. Imagine 😂

  4. Got Mariners - 1.5 as well! .. Amazing bro! 👀

  5. I've got them on 34 to 495 with 2 games left, cash out is 212 rn 😀

  6. Did you get your account back mate? I got my permanent banned as this with no explanation and any reason.

  7. Happened to me and I appealed it and got it back a few days later. Doesn’t always happen tho

  8. Could you please tell me what did you message them? The only one response I got is automatic saying me to appeal through the mobile app and nothing else.. Any help will be appreciated, thanks!

  9. I just appealed the banned. Never reached out to them. A few days later my account got reinstated.

  10. Yeah but I have no longer access to my profile so I can't. Any idea?

  11. Nothing you can do but wait and pray. Mine took 4 days and randomly was back. Good luck

  12. I FLOODED the appeal and help support. I sent like 7 messages in 2 days lol and it worked.

  13. Could you please tell me what did you message them? The only one response I got is automatic saying me to appeal through the mobile app and nothing else.. Any help will be appreciated, thanks!

  14. Bro what did you message them? I got response go and submit an appeal through the mobile app and nothing else. Any help will be appreciated, thanks!

  15. I often combine them on 6-7 leg parlay, football, tennis, hockey, baseball. Couple of weeks ago got 10 to 500+ on them.

  16. probably start of season. sac were like 0-4 from what i remember at one point

  17. As an European here you could bet on Orlando Magic champion and still get odds nowhere near to this lol.

  18. It's alright but each time I put large stake on 2 combined games to at least double the money it looks fine only on paper. I would prefer putting it straight on a higher odds game

  19. I agree. I only do this when I’m not totally comfortable in each teams RL. I think each team should coast to victory but I think orioles may keep it closer than expected.

  20. Haha remember when in the end of season 7 during the pandemic situation everything was closed and 1 of the episodes was almost fully animated 😂

  21. Lmao that's the first thing that came to mind. I'm sitting here rolling just like when their was a post about one chromosome Ressler during the animated episode.

  22. and you have the newest episodes, hours after release.

  23. Sports predictions and some of my parlays.

  24. It depends on the region you want to post.

  25. Im in the uk but my tiktok live views have tanked for some reason. I want my streams in america but i dont know to do this

  26. So u are in UK but want your content to be seen in Germany?

  27. my entire account was banned last week randomly( not just one video) with no reason given. I have never had a video that violated community guidelines. I got the same thing you did, which said the time to appeal has expired, even though you are supposed to have over 100 days to appeal a ban on your account. It also would not let me download my videos.TikTok is a sham. good luck to you

  28. Got banned on yesterday morning I noticed it when I was waking up and felt shocked. It automatically logged me out and didn't even let me to appeal. What did you do? Do you have your account back?

  29. I think I might go Bulls. They were off yesterday. Cleveland was on the road in New Orleans.

  30. Bulls are absolutely terrible. Have you watched them? It's cavs at home with Mitchell, they would cover for sure here.

  31. Then nice bet mate! I just knew Bulls would lose and wouldn't cover the line. You got it! 👌

  32. Some countries have new Blacklist episodes on Netflix few days or even hours after the episode airs for the first time.

  33. Is there a possible website where I can watch the NBC live streaming? Outside the US.

  34. There are many websites which upload the episodes hours after they air but I can not give their names to you. You'll have to do some research and found out on your own if you want to.

  35. For me City game will be tough under 2.5. 1-1 is possible.

  36. Не знам дали е ирония, но да - умна и жестока. Стандартна процедура е. Докато обсаждаш града,

  37. А като изнасилват и убиват жени и деца и бащи пред погледите на синовете си? Това също ли е тактика?

  38. Не, това е пропаганда, която при разгаряне на войната може да стане реалност.

  39. Това е реалност. Нека да не се съмняваме, че тези, които откриха огън по атомна електрическа централа и безкомпромисно унищожават детски градини и болници въобще не се интересуват от цената на човешкия живот, както са научени. Тяхната цел е да сплашат народа като избиват цивилни и беззащитни, така наречените кадировци.

  40. When the brits wanted to send Missile defence to Ukraine before the war started, Germany said it will not open the borders so they had to go on another way(meanwhile you were sending tents for the refugees, that's your help) . When NATO agreed to send weapons to Ukraine Germany didn't allow it as well, sending them just 500 helmets. I know your economy is mainly depending on Russia but Scholz is such a terrible example of a leader for you, in my opinion.

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