
  1. Oh my, I can't post THAT in this family friendly space!

  2. Can I choose both? 03 has Bratja and Dante's theme; Brotherhood has Lapis Philosophorum and Trisha's Lullaby.

  3. I agree with all of these except Inosuke. He'd be a reason the child is crying.

  4. I thought the “za-mi” was supposed to be “zag-mim”? Or are they interchangeable?

  5. "Za-mi" is the only one I've ever heard. (Sorry, I'm no expert on the Sumerian language.)

  6. Just for the sake of discussion, I have this theory that out of all the paths, Obito would have to look out for Ningendo the most, because he could still latch onto his soul and kill him. Maybe it's copium on my part, but if this was true how do you all think things would play out?

  7. Here's an idea I've had in my head for a while - why not literally tie a knot!? Carve a Djed pillar (symbolizing Osiris) from a piece of wood; then take a silk ribbon and tie a Tyet knot (symbolizing Isis) around it while reciting your vows. Keep the pillar and knot icon in your home as a reminder of the Lord and Lady's marriage, and your own!

  8. As much as I love Nagato, I have to say Kurama. 100 percent. I still refuse to believe he's gone for good.

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