
  1. I vote we have a dodgeball match between the highest level amman, highest level Jewish guy, and the pope and they’re allowed to cheat at the game using any rules/tactics their religion grants like even the made up bullshit. Team that wins gets Jerusalem for the year and then next year they do it again

  2. That's an easy yes. Yes it will hurt but only for a second then it's gone, granted a few thousand seconds for my entire body. Still worth it

  3. The pain isn’t even the issue. I just have so much that id prob be plucking for decades

  4. $20? Make the offer $150. That way boo boo can treat herself to whatever she wants! 😂

  5. You think he’s got 150$? Boy prob mooched off her the whole relationship. Sorry babe I forgot my wallet. Sorry babe last night me and the boys got lit yo fam dawg g and like shizzzle word I’m good for it though dab up

  6. His cheap ass probably doesn’t but if he wants a tiddy pic so bad he owes her that much, especially for causing her to waste her time on him. Lol

  7. True. Though if I know they can’t afford 150 but I can at least bum 20 off the loser and it’s not even my tiddy I’d prob take the 20 haha

  8. I havent been able to just cry yet. Im excitedly and nervously waiting for it lol

  9. Is everyone ok? Why weren’t you able to cry before 😶

  10. Wouldn’t know. I’m a broke American. Can’t afford to cross the ocean and see other stuff yet haha

  11. Oh, trust me, I am also a broke American. I was merely lucky to see a few places when I went on deployment with the Navy.

  12. It is sulfur in American English and applies to the entire country.

  13. Guess all the teachers in my school district growing up didn’t get that memo. I mean it wasn’t adopted as the preferred spelling officially until 1990 so they all could’ve been teaching based on their outdated info though doesn’t explain why out textbooks would also say it growing up, or why many places named after it had the ph spelling either…

  14. I specifically got it wrong on a quiz for spelling it sulphur in middle school. My autocorrect underlines that spelling as red. I'm telling you, standard American English does not accept sulphur as a proper spelling.

  15. I have a semi-irrational hate for the HERO cards and I am far too lazy and apathetic to explain why.

  16. Good thing I don’t care if nobody asked then.

  17. Wait how is?… You know what I don’t want to know…

  18. Idk who this is and I don’t think I want to know tbh

  19. I would’ve blocked after I pointed out the e thing and they still kept doing it. I’m not texting someone who’s gonna give me a headache everytime I read their shit

  20. Yeah telling random strangers that is wild... id rather die before my parents tell a single stranger what I used to masturbate with when I was younger lmao.

  21. Isn’t the golden rule that your parents pretend they don’t know you’re masturbating anyways? Like out of sight out of mind.

  22. Step 1: Go to sex toy store or website Step 2: Purchase vibrator you think your child would enjoy stimulating their genitals with Step 3: Give said child that vibrator expressing that you wish for them to use it to sexually stimulate themselves over another device that has similar mechanical function. Step 4: Live with the fact that you view your child’s genitals as an inherently sexual thing and actively contemplated the best method for them to be sexually pleasured. Step 5: Congratulate yourself for sexualizing your child and actively thinking about your child’s sexual pleasure. Step 6: (bonus step) Inform tendon strangers on the internet about your actions.

  23. I do. Hands down. This country needs someone to push the reboot button.

  24. Onlyreason I was able to get top surgery was through work and I'm still in a ton of debt for it

  25. Oh. Haha that’s the answer I keep coming to is just saving a lot and going into medical debt 😂

  26. I might look into what my employer covers though that’s a good idea

  27. agree, call it what it is so there’s no ambiguity.

  28. I am a woman with an inconveniently large cock and my attachment to cute thongs does not agree with this fact well

  29. Well it’s living stem cell goop stuff so I’d imagine it’s closer to the sex fluid scenario or maybe it copies the Pokémon and splits off an egg from it that Carrie’s a copy of the partners species

  30. She doesn’t even look happy to have the cucumbers lol

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