
  1. They didn’t just make him white they made him Aryan, that’s so racist I’m almost impressed lol

  2. It's too easy to lose the people you're escorting. I forget they exist after I finish a fight.

  3. That stupid kid in checkpoint. He. Runs. So. Slow.

  4. Yea im gonna switch him to a Chirurgeon for now and see if that makes a difference.

  5. Gift any of the boys in the slums copper stone or an ogre spur 3-4 days in a row and make your pawn a forager. Not sure if you have to have competed “The Heel of history” quest for this though but it’s a confirmed and easy way to get the tome.

  6. This has been the one part of this game I absolutely loathe. I spent half of the time trying to get in range to hit it, only for it to slowly walk out of range…rinse and repeat. In my opinion, this is the poorest boss “fight” in the game. Am I supposed to even be able to beat it?

  7. I realize suggesting that you swap vocations is a bit of a cheap answer but swapping to an archer and loading up on explosive arrows will let you breeze through the entire event.

  8. Is there a legitimate way to open either gate? As in not relying on the skeletons to hit the bar to open either door. The fell lord keeps getting in the way and either sacrifices the skeletons or just sprints into the door endlessly.

  9. That’s what I’m wondering. It’s a remarkably unreliable means of opening a door to be the intended way.

  10. I genuinely couldn’t find anything, fortunately they finally broke the bar to the door and there isn’t much there, I feel like it’s legitimately unfinished content.

  11. You can just freeze the griffin 3-4 times to get the good ending.

  12. Sorry for the late reply, not on as often as I used to but I’m not sure about any form but I know freezing works.

  13. Which bridge are you talking about? If it’s the wooden bridge leading up to the tower look to the left and you can just walk around the edge.

  14. I enjoyed QB and the few QTE’s literally everything else I did because you desperately need black matter for crafting (imo) or because they (at the time) seemed important and I hated every single minute of them.

  15. Regarding how your team runs. This is imo how it should be balance wise. It would absolutely suck for solo players but making it to where it’s not practical for every person to run the exact same build because you need different playstyles to succeed at higher difficulties would be very beneficial for the health of the game.

  16. It's given up telling me the servers are full now. All it shows is -1 well thats -1 game for me and a refund if you cannot even play it

  17. This is so not a big enough issue for it to be refunded.

  18. Who wants to pay for a game you can’t even play? Lol. Been waiting an hour and can’t even get on. Pretty bogus.

  19. To each their own, I stand by my statement. Everyone has the right to voice their annoyances but almost every game, at least in the last two decades, launches with issues. This issue is because they didn’t expect the game to be as popular as it is.

  20. Nicotine…unintentionally swallowed the pouch.

  21. I’m partial to MH due to the greater weapon variety and the monsters are slightly more grounded in terms of design and what they’re abilities are…though I can’t argue that this isn’t true for parts of Rise/Sunbreak.

  22. I love both games but I gotta say, the grounded part didn't really bug me cause the monsters in WH fit the world story (like they obeyed the laws of the world). And WH's story fit more into why we were needing to fight these monsters and was more engaging than any MH (other than Stories) story every was (that's probably the biggest thing I'd love to see changed about MH.... their stories feel like real stretches to give you an excuse to go fight monsters. Hell, I'd even love something like MH Stories but with traditional MH combat instead of turn based).

  23. I agree I’m the story the only thing I didn’t like about WH was the final boss.

  24. I know this is 6 days ago, I don’t check Reddit as much anymore, sorry.

  25. I was talking to my friends about this last night. Part of the issue is that if you somehow end up tailing another player but not close enough for the cinders to still be there and not far enough behind for the mobs to all respawn you’re just kind of screwed.

  26. I love Astarion but his story is CARRIED by his voice actor. I would have preferred a werewolf companion.

  27. “Oh well apparently it’s somewhere between a nice summer day…and the full concentrated power of the SUN”

  28. I like doing the quests, all the side quests are interesting to me

  29. I have to believe your just trolling at this point. You said “nah the person who can’t accept someone can have a different opinion than them..” then “I blame social media” and my favorite, which I’m pretty sure you just didn’t have a rebuttal, “too long, not reading all of that”.

  30. So you finished every quest? Every sidequest? Refuse to play 3/4 of the endgame because rewards, but it's not fun either, I already know you refuse to do any quests that hasn't been made mandatory and you wish you could skip the ones that are.

  31. No, why the fuck would I do that in a game that’s not built for it? 2/3 of the quests are just fetch/slay quests with maybe 20 lines of dialogue that add no value to the story.

  32. Jezus fucking Christ on normal difficulty that is barely lower than the end boss and the fucking dragon combined

  33. He’s actually kind of a push over if you have any semblance of a team. You can shut him down completely in multiple ways regardless of what your team consists of. Even on tactician he’s just a really mouthy punching bag.

  34. I’m glad I found this, I honestly forgot about Wulbren during Act 2. Like I immediately remembered what I was supposed to do when I saw his name but…well you can go back from Act 3 (which I think is stupid but also understand it’s for lore) so I was really annoyed at first thinking I wouldn’t be able to compete this quest.

  35. why do people keep asking to come back man they have to rework the whole base code, every build is dogshit nothing works, until they massevily patch that nothing will be playable

  36. I agree that some things need a rework but saying every build is dogshit/doesn’t work is objectively false.

  37. You sure it isn't a bug? If all of the Wrathfuls have an equal chance to drop and I have gotten the same one 8 times, then the chances are incredibly low.

  38. I could go craft 60-70 uncertain caches and record it to show you but I’m not going to and would prefer you accept that it’s just bad luck.

  39. Here's what I am saying. If there is a one in eight chance for me to get a certain heart the chances of me getting that same heart 8 times in a row is one in 16 million. So I don't think this is just bad luck.

  40. Isn’t it a 1 in 4 chance? There’s only 4 wrathful per class iirc. Pact, Barber, Creeping, are all generic and then each class has 1 class specific heart.

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