
  1. While she might not look like it, Jack has a good knowledge of surgical skills and successfully do most operations on herself or others, meaning Ritsuka's actually in good hands, even if the stitching looks horrifying.

  2. Honestly, she was such a letdown for me in BH. Sloth as well.

  3. Sloth was just too lazy to be interesting

  4. She's either died on that island or became a Dead Apostle

  5. She died on that island as a Dead Apostle.

  6. Kiritsugu tells himself that she'd died on the island, but it's a total mystery on surrounding her fate.

  7. In Brotherhood, she's forgotten soon after her introduction, but that's certainty not true in 2003.

  8. For her sake, I wish she had been forgotten in 2003

  9. But she wasn't forgotten in 2003 and they're nothing that can change what happened to her in that series.

  10. He'll remain the source of immense mockery based on his stupid name alone

  11. That is true, but that's never stopped anyone from being a critic regardless.

  12. She's very much not his daughter rather his granddaughter via his son

  13. Actually, no, Palpatine called her granddaughter, but only in passing.

  14. I'm aware of Dathan and Miramir (absolutely adorable couple in their novel), but I wholeheartedly agree with your opinion on this matter of "Rey Palpatine". Ignoring how she'd never willing used that surname, Palpatine was just manipulating her and trying to mess with her head. For anyone believing that she should've taken up his surname, they're ignoring he's the reason for ruining her whole life and wasn't anything more than a monster to her.

  15. Nooo don’t kill Jinx! She still needs to save the world and fall in love and have babies

  16. Jinx isn't going to die nor is going to save the world, for her deepest desire is watching Runeterra burn to the ground, while she doesn't care for love in the least

  17. You're profile and flair lies, how could you say such things about her?

  18. Blonde Rin is not Tokiomi’s daughter , it’s his granddaughter.

  19. Don't know where you got that info, but everything that I could find on this Rin's background says that she's an illegitimate daughter of Tokiomi and not his granddaughter.

  20. None of the "Supes" in the Boys are Superheroes, much less realistic ones because genuine superheroes as presented in any media are doing it to help people, not personal profit. Are you saying that anyone with superpowers would just be awful person and ignore the better half of human nature?

  21. If that's your argument, then I misjudged your position on this matter, thus apologizes.

  22. We're all looking at broken glass and then presenting ourselves like artists that whole-heartly interpret each shard without realizing how insane we've become in doing so.

  23. You have a point. I also find it really really weird how his wife and daughter suddenly don't exist xD

  24. I find it weirder that Anubis isn't angrier that a majority of the ancient tombs have been ransacked and stolen in the last centuries, something that falls under his domain to protect those tombs.

  25. It's a funny thing, if I hadn't randomly found out (I'm not a consistent viewer of their content) a few days ago, then I would have missed literally everything that happened without realizing it.

  26. That'd can be said on anything with a small devoted fanbase, especially for book readers, though the reasoning for looking into the Old EU demands on the person.

  27. Odin, Cu Chulainn, Huginn and Muninn, and the Valkyries, found in the Fate Series. But mostly the images are serving as reference to my question, it's a silly post created upon a random thought.

  28. Looking at her splash art, I believe you're right, but I remain certain that Sevika isn't going to become Renata Glasc, as their characters couldn't more different in terms of personality and abilities.

  29. Because 2003 wasn't very careful about it's story or characters and that's why I don't like it.

  30. Then continually angst, it's still a scummy move to have killed her off without Zahn's consent.

  31. I personally like the idea of Luke journeying around the galaxy learning as much as he can about the Jedi of old so he make a better version of their order, and him teaching his students how to keep their attachments healthy and be strengthened by the people they care about. But hey, that’s just my opinion

  32. In Canon, Luke's tries his best in learning as much as possible, but the information is fragmented and sparse as Palpatine's either ransacked or destroyed anything connected to the Jedi Order, it's why only in 9 ABY does Luke begin constructing his Jedi Temple.

  33. There’s nothing wrong with that version of the story, it’s just not my preferred one. To each their own

  34. And the same to you, just wanted to point out as I'm aware that you're more familiar with Legends.

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